The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

 300 boxes of surgical masks are distributed to family members of frontline contractor staff 三百盒外科口罩贈予前線外判員工的家人  The University relies on the dedication and hard work of frontline contractor staff to ensure campus hygiene and safety 教大有賴前線外判員工緊守崗位,協助保持校園整潔及安全運作 34 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Community Partnership: Benefitting Schools and the Community Within the University community, concerted efforts were made to ensure the health and safety of staff, students and other campus users during the pandemic. A cross-unit Emergency Task Force was set up in January 2020 to coordinate disease prevention and control on campus. Precautionary measures taken included the implementation of work-from-home arrangements, flexi-working hours, a travel-history reporting procedure and mandatory body temperature checks, the provision of surgical masks for University staff and students, and continuous and enhanced cleaning on campus. A new Relief Bursary fund was established to support students with financial difficulties as a result of the pandemic, thanks in part to donations from the President and Vice Presidents. They took the lead in giving 10% of their salaries for 12 months towards the Bursary, which benefitted almost 100 eligible students in the first round of applications. Our staff also made donations to purchase surgical masks for families of the University’s cleaners, security guards, movers, gardeners, shuttle bus drivers and catering workers, to show appreciation for their dedication under the difficult circumstances. 至於校內,教大亦致力保障教職員、學生及校園使用者的健康 與安全。二零二零年一月,本校成立跨部門緊急應變小組,協 調校園內的疾病預防及控制工作,包括:實施在家工作、彈性 上班時間、外遊紀錄申報,以及強制體溫檢查。除了持續加強 校園清潔,本校亦為教職員及學生提供外科口罩。 為協助受疫情影響出現經濟困難的學生,校長和副校長身體力 行,主動捐出一年薪酬的百分之十,用作設立助學金。在首 輪申請中,已有近百名合資格學生受惠。為感謝大學清潔工 人、保安員、搬運工人、園藝工人、校巴司機及食肆員工 在「疫」境中緊守崗位,本校教職員亦響應募捐行動;籌得款 項均用作購買外科口罩,贈予這些員工的家人。