The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

 EdUHK elite athletes promote exercise at home during the pandemic 教大精英運動員拍片,呼籲居家 運動抗疫  What’s happened to me? storybook series designed for parents or teachers to read aloud with children of all ages 《我的身體怎麼了?》系列故事書讓家長及教師可與不同年齡層的 兒童一起朗讀 香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 33 夥伴合作:造福學界 惠澤社群 In the form of print media, three informative booklets were published to enable students, parents and teachers to manage worry, stress and anxiety, in addition to a series of storybooks which explained to children aged between three and 12 years how to control the spread of common infectious diseases, including influenza, hand, foot and mouth disease, and COVID-19. Pre and post-test assessments were carried out to collect readers’ knowledge before and after reading the e-storybook on COVID-19 to check the effectiveness of the book’s content for disease prevention. Surveys were also conducted to better understand the difficulties faced by parents and teachers and to enhance the effectiveness of online teaching when kindergartens and primary schools made the switch. 此外,本校亦出版了三本資訊小冊子,教導學生、家長及教師 如何紓緩壓力與憂慮,並推出一系列故事書,為三至十二歲的 兒童解說如何預防常見的傳染病,包括:流感、手足口病及新 型冠狀病毒肺炎。為評估書中內容在疾病預防方面的成效, 本校學者特向閱讀新型冠狀病毒肺炎電子版故事書的讀者進行 前後測試,以作對比。此外,本校亦以問卷調查方式,瞭解家 長及教師在幼稚園及小學停課期間所面對的困難,以提高網上 教學的成效。