The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

 Parents share their experiences on a course offered by the Jockey Club Youth Academy for Special Educational Needs at EdUHK’s Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education 家長在教大特殊學習需要與融合教育中心開辦的賽馬會特教 學苑課程中分享經驗  Filming a video for the ‘SEN Channel’ 正在為「 SEN 台」製作影片  Temperature checks for everyone entering the campus, by using infrared thermal scanners at the campus entrance and the shuttle bus stop 校園入口及校巴站均設置紅外線體溫檢測系統,每位進入校園的人 士必先探測體溫 32 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Community Partnership: Benefitting Schools and the Community 校園內外 同心抗疫 新型冠狀病毒肺炎肆虐期間,本校不遺餘力,與社會同心抗 疫。由於學校停課、休憩場所關閉,為協助有特殊教育需要學 童保持健康體魄,本校教職員及學生特別推出網上體育教學先 導計劃;同時成立「 SEN 台」,播放一連十集的網上短片,以互 動學習形式,令有特殊教育需要學童「停課不停學」。本校精 英運動員亦身體力行,參與拍攝教學短片,鼓勵市民在抗疫留 家期間,進行簡單的日常運動。 Combatting the pandemic on and off campus We spared no effort in supporting the community during the pandemic. With the closure of schools and playgrounds during large parts of the pandemic, a team of University staff and students launched an online physical education teaching pilot scheme for children with SEN to help them keep up their physical fitness. Another project was the creation of an online ‘SEN Channel’, featuring 10 scheduled episodes of interactive learning activities. Our elite student-athletes also got involved, creating online videos to motivate those staying at home to do simple exercise routines.