The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

 EdUHK holds an online forum to unveil the admission details of its Jockey Club Youth Academy for Special Educational Needs 教大舉辦「賽馬會特教青年學苑」網上發布會,公布收 生詳情  The research team members of the Three Character Classic and Modern Society project include: (from left) Associate Professor of Chinese Language Studies (CHL) Dr Cheung Lin-hong, Head of CHL Professor Si Chung-mou, Associate Head of CHL Dr Ho Chi-hang, and Project Officer Mr Li King-bong 教大「三字經與現代社會」教學實驗計劃研究團隊成 員包括:(左起)中國語言學系副教授張連航博士、 系主任施仲謀教授、副系主任何志恆博士,以及項 目主任李敬邦先生 26 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Research and Knowledge Transfer: Continued Growth of Research Capacity Chinese culture and virtues To help introduce children to Chinese history, culture and traditional moral principles, EdUHK published an audio book entitled Three Character Classic and Modern Society , and gave free copies to all schools and public libraries. Relevant materials were also made available online. 中國文化及美德 為協助莘莘學子認識中國歷史文化知識及傳統倫理思想, 教大出版《三字經與現代社會》有聲書,免費贈予全港學校及 公共圖書館。相關資訊亦上載至資源網站,讓公眾免費瀏覽及 下載。 Special Educational Needs In addition to the ongoing community-based SEN projects, the establishment of the Jockey Club Youth Academy for Special Educational Needs in June 2020 was the first of its kind among local universities. The Academy strives to empower SEN secondary school- leavers with knowledge and skills to improve their prospects and adaptability to contribute to society. Lifelong learning on the University campus for SEN youth was made possible by a generous donation from HKJCCT. Mentor support from our students further promoted the culture of inclusion at the University. 特殊學習需要 除了持續推行以社區為本的特殊教育項目外,本校於二零二 零年六月更成立「賽馬會特教青年學苑」,為本地大學創舉。 學苑冀協助有特殊教育需要的離校畢業生獲得知識與技能, 提升他們的適應及謀生能力,從而為社會作出貢獻。本校再次 感謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的慷慨捐助,令有特殊教育需 要的年輕人,得以在教大校園內達成終身學習,盡展所長。 學苑更招募本校學生為導師,讓他們與學員結伴同行,促進 社會共融。