The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

 CRSE has been working closely with schools over the last decade, for the development of school-based life education 宗教教育與心靈教育中心過去十年與學界緊密合作,促成校本 生命教育  Participants in the Heart-to-Heart Connect Programme for Two Generations of Teachers in Caring Quality Development 「心意相通—兩代教師關懷素養發展計劃」參加者 香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 25 研究與知識轉移: 開華結實 日新又新 Life education The Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education is a dedicated unit of the University striving to cultivate positive values, facilitate the holistic development of students and provide teacher training. The Centre has also undertaken a number of impactful school projects over the past decade, which have contributed to the formation of a professional learning community for life education, as well as the implementation of school- based life education. In August 2019, the Centre initiated a two-year project called the Heart-to-Heart Connect Programme for Two Generations of Teachers in Caring Quality Development, funded by the Wong Shek Yung Charitable Foundation. The objectives of the programme are to broaden horizons, internalise virtuous values, and promote teaching ethics for pre-service teachers. A series of workshops, a day-camp and related activities are held each year, and pre-service teachers can obtain field experience and learn from in-service teachers on how to care for students. 生命教育 本校成立宗教教育與心靈教育中心(中心),致力於生命教育 的工作,培育學生的正面價值觀,促進其全人發展,並為教 師提供有關培訓。過去十年,中心推行了多個校本生命教育 項目,一方面協助學校規劃及實行適切的生命教育方案,另 一方面促成生命教育專業學習社群,推動專業交流。 中心承蒙黃石庸慈善基金捐贈,於二零一九年八月展開為期 兩年的「心意相通—兩代教師關懷素養發展計劃」,旨在協助 準教師擴闊視野、內化正面倫理與價值,以及弘揚師德。中 心每年舉辦一系列工作坊、日營及多元化活動,讓準教師藉 著各式體驗,學習關懷學生,並與現職教師緊密交流,承傳 關懷素養。