The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

24 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Research and Knowledge Transfer: Continued Growth of Research Capacity Promoting STEM STEM education is one of the University’s priority areas. Our expert team co-created a four-year pilot project - CoolThink@JC - funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HKJCCT) to promote computational thinking and digital competence in local primary schools, together with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and City University of Hong Kong. The pilot project was successfully completed in 2020, benefitting over 110 teachers in 32 primary schools and over 20,000 students across Hong Kong. Thanks to HKJCCT’s further funding, the project entered the second phase, with the aim of enabling 40% of Hong Kong’s primary schools to get a head-start in computational thinking and coding education. The programme will further enhance research and development by including artificial intelligence in the curriculum, and conducting research in areas such as learner diversity, student-centred learning and the development of a school-based curriculum. The University ran a project involving primary and secondary schools, as part of the Government’s Quality Education Fund Thematic Network. Its aim was to build the capacity of schools and teachers to further develop the integration of STEM education into subject curricula. Additionally, we started a one-year project to analyse the STEM needs of primary schools, followed by the provision of training and support for teachers, and the recommendation of interdisciplinary pedagogy for STEM education. 推動 STEM 教育 STEM 教育為教大重點發展領域之一。承蒙香港賽馬會慈善 信託基金(下稱「基金」)策劃及資助,本校聯同美國麻省理工 學院及香港城市大學,共同策動為期四年的「賽馬會運算思維 教育」計劃。先導計劃已於二零二零年圓滿結束,合共培訓了 來自三十二所小學逾一百一十名教師,而受惠的高小學生亦逾 二萬名。有賴基金繼續支持,計劃現已進入第二階段,課程將 加入人工智能元素,並以學生為中心,集中研究多元化學習及 開發校本課程等領域。計劃以推動運算思維教育普及化為目 標,期望可助本港四成小學成為運算思維及編程教育的先驅。 教大亦於政府優質教育基金主題網絡計劃下,推行一項涉及 中、小學的 STEM 教育項目,旨在協助學校及教師持續將 STEM 融入課程。此外,本校亦已啟動一項為期一年的項目,分析本 地小學的 STEM 教學需求,並培訓及支援教師,以及就如何制 定 STEM 教育的跨學科教學法提供建議。  Professor Kong Siu-cheung, Director of EdUHK’s Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, delivers a course to in-service primary school teachers 教學科技中心總監江紹祥教授向現職小學教師授課