The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

 (From left to right) Professor David Coniam; Professor AllanWalker; Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung, President; Professor Lui Tai-lok, Vice President (Research and Development); and Professor Lim Cher Ping show the newly signed MoU on the knowledge transfer project in Cambodia 左起:龔大胃教授、汪雅量教授、教大校長張仁良教授、副校長  (研究與發展)呂大樂教授,以及林質彬教授展示剛簽署的合作備 忘,開展在柬埔寨的知識轉移項目  Ms Angie Mak, television presenter and MA in Child and Family Education student at EdUHK 電視主持人麥雅緻女士乃教大兒童與家庭教育文學碩士課程學生 香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 23 研究與知識轉移: 開華結實 日新又新 以教育服務社群 除了輸出學術成果,本校專家學者亦樂意為本地家長、學生、 教師及社會其他持份者的教育需要服務,提供以知識為基礎的 解決方案。 家庭及家長教育 本校早於五年前推出全港首個兒童與家庭教育文學碩士課程。 而在二零二零年五月,教大更推出「 Take a SIP 」家長教育計 劃,製作十三集短片,分享具科學實證基礎的教養方法,並 邀請多組家庭親身體驗。在三個月內,該系列影片已錄得逾 五十六萬次觀看次數,在社交媒體上的互動次數(包括讚好、 分享及留言)也達逾四千次,足證此計劃廣受社會歡迎。 Serving the community through education As well as creating scholarly output, our experts served the educational needs of local parents, students, teachers and other stakeholders in the community by providing knowledge-based solutions.  Rector of RUPP, Dr Chet Chealy, signing the MoU in Cambodia 金邊皇家大學校長 Chet Chealy 博士在柬埔寨簽署合作備忘 Family and parental education Having run a master’s programme in child and family education for the past five years, the University embarked on the ‘Take a SIP’ project in May 2020 with the launch of a 13-episode video series on science- informed parenting. The series invited families to try out techniques based on fundamental principles of parenting, supported by scientific research findings. In the first three months after launch, the total number of views of the videos reached over 560,000, and the total number of likes, shares, and comments was over 4,000, reflecting the social impact of the project.