The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

 Drs Lo Yan-lam (left) and Cheng Wing-tung (right), recipients of funding through the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme 盧恩臨博士(左)及鄭穎彤博士(右)透過博士後獎學金計劃獲得研 究資助  EdUHK Scholarship for Academic Excellence (Doctoral Programme) recipient Dr Philbert Li King-yue (second from left), pictured with his teachers and peers after giving a performance in Russia 教大卓越獎學金(博士課程)得主李璟輿博士(左二),在俄羅斯 表演後與導師及同儕合照留影 22 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Research and Knowledge Transfer: Continued Growth of Research Capacity International footprint Outside Hong Kong, the University partnered with five leading public higher education institutions in Cambodia under the World Bank’s four-year Higher Education Improvement Project on teacher professional development, course development, and collaborative research and knowledge transfer in higher education. This extended EdUHK’s reach in ASEAN countries, following the completion of the 2017 World Bank project in Vietnam. Furthermore, the University signed a memorandum of understanding with UNESCO’s UNITWIN Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity of Education in January 2020. The goal is to strengthen the relationship with network members and further promote cooperation in the field of teacher education for social justice and diversity in education. 國際足跡 國際方面,教大參與了世界銀行(世銀)為期四年的「高等教育 改進項目」,與柬埔寨五所主要公立高等教育學府合作,推動 當地高等教育的教師專業發展、課程發展,以及研究協作及知 識轉移。教大早於二零一七年已獲委任為世銀顧問,推動越南 教師教育發展。藉著本次柬埔寨項目,教大期望可繼續為東盟 國家貢獻力量。 此外,二零二零年一月,本校與聯合國教育、科學與文化組織 轄下一個與社會公正及教育多元化相關的教師教育網絡,簽訂 備忘錄,旨在加強網絡成員關係,以及進一步推動教師教育領 域之間的合作,藉以實現社會公義及教育多元性。 Nurturing research talent In line with our commitment to nurturing future researchers, we attach great importance to the development of research postgraduate education. With over 300 doctoral students in our Research Postgraduate and Doctor of Education programmes, we welcomed a batch of 12 EdUHK-nominated candidates under the Research Grants Council’s (RGC) prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme in 2019-20. During the period, two of our researchers were awarded funding from the RGC’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, which supports young research talent in developing their research careers in Hong Kong. The UGC also awarded 27 fellowship places to two of our Master of Arts programmes specialising in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, and mathematics and pedagogy, under its new Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowship Scheme, which will run five cohorts. The Scheme aims to attract meritorious local students to pursue interdisciplinary studies in seven selected priority areas. 培育年輕學者 教大銳意培育後進,極為重視研究生教育發展。目前,本校 有逾三百名博士生,攻讀哲學博士及教育博士課程。在二零 一九至二零學年,十二名博士候選人透過香港研究資助局(研 資局)香港博士研究生獎學金計劃,入讀本校。 其間,教大兩名研究人員亦獲研資局博士後獎學金計劃資助, 支持他們在港發展研究事業。 在「指定研究院修課課程獎學金計劃」下,兩個與 STEM 教育及 數學與教學相關的文學碩士課程,獲大學教育資助委員會資助 二十七個獎學金學額。該計劃將惠及五屆學生,旨在吸引更多 本地優秀學生於有利香港發展的七個優先範疇作跨學科深造。