The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 21 研究與知識轉移: 開華結實 日新又新 With its well-established expertise in education and its emerging strength in complementary disciplines, EdUHK continued to make an impact on the school sector and the wider community through research and knowledge transfer. The University identified a number of priority areas to drive innovation in learning and teaching. 教大在教育領域一向具先導地位,而在多元學科領域的實力亦不斷提升。本校藉著研究及知識轉移,為學界及 社會帶來改變,並已確立若干優勢領域,致力推動學與教方面的創新。 積極研究氛圍 截至報告年度結束,本校學者正進行一百九十一項研究項目, 獲資助總額達一億四千三百三十四萬港元,涵蓋多個學科 範疇。 本年度教大提交的「優配研究金」、「傑出青年學者計劃」及「人 文學及社會科學傑出學者計劃」研究項目申請,逾四分一獲得 資助。本校三十五個項目合共獲得二千零三十六萬港元,資助 範圍包括:教育、心理及語言學、人文學及社會科學、社會及 行為科學、自然科學及工程學。 本年度「優配研究金」撥款申請中,本校於教育科目範圍再佔 鰲頭,獲資助項目數量及撥款總額均位列本地大學之首,分別 佔總數逾百分之三十九及近百分之三十六,十一項教育科目範 圍項目合共獲得六百九十七萬港元資助。 而在「傑出青年學者計劃」教育科目範圍方面,教大提交的研 究建議,共七項研究項目(約三分一)獲得撥款,同樣冠絕各 校。本校於心理及語言學科目範圍獲得的撥款項目,亦與友校 並列第一。 除了每年的「優配研究金」及「傑出青年學者計劃」撥款申請, 本校學者亦積極發揮其知識與專長,回應社會及時事議題。 本年度教大十四名學者獲政策創新與統籌辦事處「公共政策研 究資助計劃」特別輪次撥款逾六百萬港元,以研究過去一年社 會事件發生背後的深層成因。在芸芸大學及智庫中,教大獲批 的撥款項目及總額均名列第二。 Research-active At the close of the reporting year, senior academics and emerging young scholars at the University were working on 191 ongoing projects, with a total awarded amount of HK$143.34 million, in a wide array of disciplines and subjects. In this year’s General Research Fund (GRF), Early Career Scheme (ECS), and Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme collectively, more than a quarter of the University’s research submissions were successful. A total of HK$20.36 million was awarded to 35 EdUHK projects, covering education, psychology and linguistics, humanities and social sciences, social and behavioural sciences, physical sciences and engineering. In the subject discipline of education, the University ranked first in the GRF, both in terms of the number of successful projects and the amount awarded, with over 39% and almost 36% of the total share, respectively. The 11 approved GRF projects in education were awarded a total amount of HK$6.97 million in funding. Regarding the ECS, EdUHK also came first in education, winning funding for seven projects – nearly a third of those submitted. For psychology and linguistics, we ranked joint top in terms of the number of funded projects. Apart from the annual GRF and ECS exercise, our scholars applied their knowledge and expertise to social and topical issues. For instance, 14 EdUHK academics were awarded over HK$6 million in funding to undertake research into the deep-rooted causes of the social events of the past year under the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office’s special round of the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme. Among all the applicants, including local universities and think tanks, EdUHK ranked second in the number of funded projects and the amount funded. 1 st in education in number of projects and amount awarded 在「優配研究金」教育科目範圍 獲資助項目數量及撥款總額均名列第一 GRF 1 st in education and psychology & linguistics in number of projects awarded 在「傑出青年學者計劃」教育和心理及語言學科兩方面獲撥款項目皆名列第一 ECS