The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 19 學與教:質素為本 持之以恆 HKME launched another publication entitled School UniformDays at the Hong Kong Book Fair 2019, in collaboration with Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd. The publication is connected to the HKME exhibition ‘Hong Kong School Uniforms – Past and Present’ which was held from November 2018 to October 2019. 香港教育博物館夥拍中華書局,於二零一九年香港書展 出版 《校服歲月:圖說香港校服史》 ,與該館於二零一八年 十一月至二零一九年十月舉辦的「香港校服今昔」展覽相映。