The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

18 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Learning and Teaching: Commitment to Quality Assurance 中西區獨特之處,在其歷史意義。該區作為殖民地時期最早開 發的地區之一,可謂香港教育的搖籃地。書中每一所學校,無 論校舍或機構,都是時代的見證、歷史的縮影。 二零二零年七月,香港教育博物館出版 《搖籃地—中西區教育 今昔》 ,縷述香港從殖民地時期至今百多年的教育發展,帶領 讀者感受當年的流金歲月。本書不單收集了區內學校和校友的 珍貴舊照與軼事,還以創新手法,重塑昔日校園的立體建築模 型,讓讀者可藉著擴增實境技術,欣賞古老校舍的建築風格和 特色。此書作為香港教育文化遺產的重要文獻,對大眾及學者 而言,誠屬不可多得的讀物。 The uniqueness of the Central and Western District lies in its history and heritage. It was one of the earliest areas to be developed during the colonial period, and is the cradle of education in Hong Kong. Schools highlighted in the book are the epitome of that history, as buildings as well as institutions. In July 2020, the Hong Kong Museum of Education (HKME) launched a book entitled Cradle – Education Now and Then in the Central and Western District , which chronicles the history of education development in Hong Kong since the colonial era. On top of a selection of old photographs and anecdotes collected from individual schools and their alumni in the district, the book presents a collection of three-dimensional models of school buildings of historic value, which can be viewed with the use of augmented reality technology by readers. This publication serves as an important documentation of Hong Kong’s education heritage, which will appeal to general readers and scholars alike. Promoting Hong Kong’s education heritage 弘揚香港教育文化遺產