The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

 Launch ceremony for the first cohort of senior educators in Shenzhen participating in our Master of Education programme 教大首屆深圳教育碩士課程學員出席啟動儀式,他們皆為當地的資深 教育工作者  Dean of the Graduate School, Professor Lo Sing-kai (right-centre), and the Programme Director (left-centre) meet with the first batch of Doctor of Education (Chinese) students 研究生院院長盧成皆教授(右二)聯同課程總監(左二)與首屆教育 博士(中文班)課程學員會面 香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 17 學與教:質素為本 持之以恆 Postgraduate education To align with the University’s strategic goals in promoting lifelong learning as well as professional and intellectual advancement, EdUHK continued to expand its range of postgraduate programmes tailored to societal demands and community needs. 2019-20 saw EdUHK launch a new Doctor of Education programme (Chinese), which attracted university lecturers and management staff in mainland education institutions, as well as principals and teachers in schools in Hong Kong. Their theses are submitted in Chinese, which has been increasingly used in academia and the workplace. During the period, five new taught master’s programmes were launched, focusing on STEM education, visual arts education and creative practice, education and science, international relations and development, and sports coaching and management. Additionally, in January 2020, following on from running seven cohorts in Shanghai, the University started delivering the Master of Education programme for senior educators in Shenzhen, including principals, vice principals, department heads, senior teachers and education officials. From 2020-21, a Master of Arts in Chinese and Chinese Studies (Language Education) programme is planned to be offered jointly with Beijing Normal University for students pursuing the Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language, in addition to two new taught master’s programmes covering positive psychology in education and innovative education management. 研究生課程 為配合本校促進終身學習與持續專業及學術發展此策略願景, 教大不斷拓展研究生課程,以回應社會需求及社群需要。 二零一九至二零學年,教大推出教育博士(中文班)課程, 吸引內地大學講師、教育機構行政人員,以及本地校長與教師 報讀。因應學術界及職場已廣泛採用中文,此博士班學員將以 中文提交博士論文。 年內,本校亦推出五個授課式碩士課程,範疇包括: STEM 教育、視覺藝術教育與創意實踐、教育與科學、國際關係及發 展,以及運動教練及管理。此外,鑑於在上海成功開辦七屆課 程,本校於二零二零年一月,亦在深圳推出教育碩士課程,對 象為當地資深教育工作者,包括:校長、副校長、部門主管、 資深教師及教育部官員等。 本校亦計劃於二零二零至二一學年,與北京師範大學共同開辦 中文研究文學碩士(語文教育)課程,惠及國際漢語教學文學 碩士學生。此外,本校更會推出兩個授課式碩士課程,涵蓋正 向教育心理學及領導創新型學習組織。