The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

Students creating works of art in a woodcarving lesson 教大學生在木雕課堂創作藝術品  A student learning to interact with robots through programming 教大學生學習透過編程與機械人互動 16 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Learning and Teaching: Commitment to Quality Assurance Undergraduate education For undergraduate student admissions, EdUHK launched the Flexible Admissions Scheme, together with other publicly funded universities, for Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) applicants in the 2019-20 cohort. The scheme aims to provide opportunities to students who apply for programmes including mathematics education, physical education, science education, creative arts and culture, and have attained excellent results overall in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, but did not meet the admission standards in one of the core subjects; namely Chinese language, English language, mathematics and liberal studies. Starting with the 2020-21 cohort, the University will expand its Self-Nomination Admissions Scheme to include JUPAS applicants with exceptional potential and outstanding talent in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects, in addition to music, sports and visual arts which are covered in the existing scheme. Preparations were also made to implement the Government’s new School Principal’s Nominations 2.0 Direct Admission Scheme in 2021-22, which also considers nominated applicants’ non-academic achievements to recognise their contributions to social services or excellence in other areas. This is in addition to the University’s own Undergraduate Programme Nominations Scheme, which has been in place since 2012-13 to recruit students who aspire to serve the school sector. 學士學位課程 在錄取本科生方面,自二零一九至二零學年起,教大與多所公 帑資助大學公布「大學聯合招生辦法」(聯招)彈性收生安排。 據此安排,參與聯招的學生,若於香港中學文憑試中整體成績 理想,但其中一個核心科目,包括:中國語文、英國語文、數 學及通識教育,未達最低入學要求,仍可報讀本校的中小學數 學教育、體育教育、科學教育、創意藝術與文化等學士課程。 而自二零二零至二一學年開始,教大擴大「自薦計劃」,由目 前考慮於音樂、體育、視覺藝術各方面範疇有卓越成就或表現 的聯招申請人,擴展到涵蓋 STEM 相關科目:即科學、科技、 工程及數學。 此外,本校亦已準備就緒,於二零二一至二二學年,配合政府 新推出的「校長推薦 2.0 直接錄取計劃」,審慎考慮申請者於非 學術範疇上的卓越表現,或社會服務方面的貢獻。事實上, 本校自二零一二至一三學年開始,已推出「本科生課程提名計 劃」,甄選矢志服務教育界的學生。