The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 15 學與教:質素為本 持之以恆 The provision of block practice for BEd and PGDE students during class suspension in local schools was another key challenge. Thanks to the staunch support of the Education Bureau, school sponsoring bodies and our school partners, the University was able to make special arrangements for the student teachers to complete their block practice through a mix of simulated, virtual and in-person teaching. A special team was formed to engage with the school sector and support student teachers. As part of our quality assurance mechanism, the University developed a set of guidelines specific to online learning and teaching which, along with the support and understanding of faculty members and students, enabled the continued delivery of programmes during the pandemic. Special attention was paid to student participation and engagement in online learning, as well as assessment. Where necessary, development plans and enhancement measures were devised to take into account the variety of online teaching methods according to the nature of individual programmes. 而在中小學停課期間,本校面對的另一挑戰,就是為教育學士 課程及學位教師教育文憑課程學生安排教學實習。校方感謝教 育局、辦學團體及學校夥伴支持,作出特別安排,讓準教師透 過混合模式,包括:模擬教學、虛擬教學及面授教學等,完成 教學實習要求。本校更成立特別小組,與學界保持緊密聯繫, 支援準教師。 教大根據質素保證機制,為網上教學制訂指引,加上教職員與 學生的支持和理解,因而在疫情期間能順利維持課程的學與 教。我們亦特別關注網上教學成效,尤其學生的參與度與評 核。我們更因應個別課程性質,按照實際情況,考慮不同網上 教學方式,制定發展方案及強化措施。 With the quality assurance framework in place, prompt pedagogical and technical support was provided to course lecturers and students. These included the publication of handouts, tutorial videos, workshops and briefings to scale up the online capacity of staff and students, in addition to the expansion of the University’s information technology infrastructure. 在同一質素保證機制下,本校已適時為課程導師及學生提供教 學及技術支援,包括:製作及派發資料和教學短片、舉辦工作 坊及研討會等,並加強大學資訊科技基礎建設,確保教職員及 學生可順利進行網上學與教。  12-hour online Mentorship Certificate Course 十二小時網上「指導證書課程」  Course lecturer preparing for a mock online class using videoconferencing software 課程導師以視像會議軟件進行模擬網上教學