The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

14 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Learning and Teaching: Commitment to Quality Assurance Preparing future teachers Ongoing efforts have also been made to track the performance of BEd students during block practice periods and to identify areas for improvement in prospective teachers. The process includes a feedback mechanism for individual students, their mentoring teachers and supervisors. Annual surveys conducted with the placement schools have produced consistent results in recent years, with the majority of BEd students’ performance rated from ‘good’ to ‘excellent’, especially with regard to self-evaluation, work attitude and interpersonal skills. Upon graduation, they have been highly sought-after in the school sector. According to the 2019 Graduate Employment Survey, 98% of the BEd graduates were employed or had chosen to further their studies within three months of graduation. Their average monthly salary reached HK$31,400 in 2019, representing a 16% year-on-year increase. 抗疫期間的學與教 在報告期間首半年內,由於一連串社會事件影響,本校開始實 施彈性課堂安排及網上教學。及後,新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情亦 對大學的學與教帶來嚴峻的挑戰。為顧及教職員與學生的健康 與安全,本校決定全面實施網上教學,取代傳統的面授課堂。 抗疫期間,教大本著對學生的關愛,因時制宜,並在教職員、 學生及辦學團體代表等持份者共同參與下,得以應對疫情的不 斷變化。 裝備準教師 教大素來重視教育學士課程學生的教學實習表現,並積極跟 進他們仍可改善之處。本校設有系統的機制,讓實習學生、 視導導師與學校教師反映意見。準教師於每年實習學校調查 中取得頗高評價,大部分教育學士課程學生獲評定為表現「優 異」或「良好」,在自我評估、工作態度及待人接物等方面表 現尤其突出。他們畢業後,亦廣受學界歡迎。根據二零一九年 就業調查結果,教大教育學士學位課程畢業生,百分之九十八 於畢業後三個月內受聘或繼續升學。他們的平均月薪達三萬 一千四百港元,按年增長百分之十六。   Learning and teaching during the pandemic Flexible class arrangements and online teaching were adopted in the first half of the reporting period, when Hong Kong and local universities were affected by a series of social incidents. This was followed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which presented enormous challenges to the University’s learning and teaching activities. The decision to switch to 100% online teaching to replace conventional face-to-face classroom teaching was taken with due regard to the health and safety of our staff and students. During the period, the University adopted a flexible and caring approach to cater for the rapidly changing scenarios with input from stakeholders including staff, students and representatives of school sponsoring bodies. Rachel Lai 黎思希 Connie Chan Man-man 陳文雯 Lam Yin-kwan 林彥君 Alfred Lo Weng-tat 羅詠達 Award and scholarship recipients 獎項及獎學金得主