The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 13 學與教:質素為本 持之以恆 James Wong Hau-fung 黃厚豐 As an Education-focused university, we embark on continuous quality enhancement and are committed to ensuring quality learning and teaching for future educators and professionals. 教大以教育為本,與時俱進,致力提供高質素學與教,矢志培育未來教育工作者及專業人士。 實施新課程 二零一九至二零學年開始,本校全日制學士學位課程實施新 的共同核心課程,包括:引進「大學電子學習歷程檔案」、加 強通識教育下跨學科課程及經驗學習課程,以及加入「總整 專案」選項,讓學生可選擇以此或畢業論文,作為畢業專題研 究。下一學年,本校四年制文學士及社會科學學士學位課程亦 會全面實施新課程。屆時,學生將可藉著於香港或以外地區的 實習機會,學以致用,增廣見聞。 本校試行不同的新課程元素,並以問卷調查、訪談、聚焦小組 及審視課程內容方式等,收集持份者意見,以評估其實施成 效,並根據分析結果,作出相應的改進和微調。 Implementing new curricula The 2019-20 cohort witnessed the implementation of the new common core curriculum for the full-time undergraduate programmes, including the introduction of the University ePortfolio, the interdisciplinary and experiential learning courses under General Education, as well as final-year capstone projects in parallel with the honours projects. The new curriculum for the four- year Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Sciences programmes will be fully implemented by the following year, when students will be able to broaden their exposure and perspectives through the mandatory internship or practicum in Hong Kong and beyond. To obtain feedback from stakeholders regarding continuous refinement, pilots were conducted for different components of the new undergraduate curriculum, followed by evaluation and assessment of their implementation, including surveys, interviews, focus groups and reviews of course materials. The outcomes of the evaluation and assessment shed light on how to fine-tune the curriculum going forward. Chan Hiu-tung 陳曉彤 Queenie Huen Sin-ming 禤倩鳴 Daniel Hu Wan-leung 許昀量 Award and scholarship recipients 獎項及獎學金得主 Grace To Yan-lo 杜恩路