The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 11 校長的話 Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung , SBS, JP, Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques President 張仁良教授 , SBS, JP, Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques 校長 International recognition Further afield, our expertise in and contribution to education were recognised regionally and globally. EdUHK ranked second in Asia and 16 th in the world in education, according to the 2020 QS World University Rankings by Subject. We were also the youngest of the world’s top 20 QS-ranked universities in education. And following the successful completion of the World Bank project in Vietnam in 2017, EdUHK partnered with five leading public higher education institutions in Cambodia under another World Bank project to build teacher capacity there. Our participation in these two projects reaffirmed EdUHK’s role as an important partner in enhancing the quality of teacher education, as well as collaborative research and knowledge transfer in the region. Concluding remarks Everything we have achieved together attests to the dedication and concerted efforts of the University community. Living in a time of uncertainty, we must remain resilient, responsive and adaptable, with empathy and humanity. It is these attributes which have helped us ride many waves over many decades. The challenges we faced during the period only serve to reinforce my belief in the important role our teachers play, regardless of the learning platform or circumstances. The human touch matters, as does our care for students. This is what education is all about. 國際認同 本校學者在教育方面的貢獻獲得區域及全球肯定。二零二零 年 QS 世界大學學科排名中,教大於教育領域名列亞洲第二、 全球第十六,更是排名首二十位大學中最年輕的一所。此外, 教大繼二零一七年獲世界銀行(世銀)委任,為越南推動教師 教育後,今年再度參與世銀項目,與柬埔寨五所主要公立高等 教育學府合作,協助當地教師提升實力。藉著這兩次夥伴合 作,教大於區域內積極推動研究及知識轉移,再次確立本校於 教師教育方面的重要角色。 結語 教大過去一年取得的成果,正是本校同仁全情投入、群策群力 的印證。處身於一個充滿不確定性的時代,我們更要以人文關 懷及同理心,秉持堅毅、靈活、百折不撓的精神,昂首前進。 這些恆久不變的特質使我們能夠處變不驚,克服重重難關。 面對疫情下的種種挑戰,我更深信教師的角色無可替代。不論 學習平台及外在環境如何更迭,以人為本、關愛學子,才是教 育的真諦。  Presentation of souvenirs to Mr Dominique de Villepin (centre), Mr Alexandre Giorgini, Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, and Mr AndrewWells, former Chief Secretary and Acting Governor of St. Helena 頒發紀念品予德維爾潘先生(中)、法國駐港澳總領事官明遠先生,以及 聖赫勒拿島前布政司和代理總督華賢仕先生