The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

10 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 President’s Overview 推動研究 知識轉移 教大在最新一輪「優配研究金」及「傑出青年學者計劃」撥款申 請中,表現出色,再次印證本校穩固的研究實力。我們於「優 配研究金」及「傑出青年學者計劃」教育學科再佔鰲頭,獲 資助項目數量及撥款總額均位列本地大學之首。此外,本校 於「傑出青年學者計劃」心理及語言學科中獲得的撥款項目, 亦與友校雙雙稱冠。本校部分研究更轉化為教育研發,並屢獲 國際殊榮與獎項。年內,教大於音樂教育方面取得兩項專利, 其他研究項目亦獲得多個國際教育創新獎項。 疫情期間,教大學者繼續以「知識為本」的解決方案,回應社 會對教育的需求,內容由編程、正向教育、特殊教育及家長教 育,到弘揚傳統美德,旨在於課程以外發揮影響力,令本地家 長、教師、學生及其他持份者受惠。我樂見這些學界及社區項 目廣受好評,其中一個與中國語文學習有關的動漫項目錄得近 一百萬網上點擊;而「看動畫 • 學歷史」項目的點擊率更由去年 逾一百六十萬躍升至逾五百萬。另一個備受歡迎的系列,是以 科學為實證基礎,通過短片分享教養方法的家長教育計劃;短 短三個月內,點擊率亦已超過五十萬。 Advancing research and transferring knowledge There was further consolidation of the University’s research capacity, as evidenced by our performance in the latest General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS). As in previous years, we ranked first in education in GRF and ECS, in terms of the number of projects and amount awarded, and joint top in the number of ECS-funded psychology and linguistics projects. Some of our research has resulted in inventions in education, which have won recognition and accolades from around the world. During the period, the University was granted two patents in the area of music education and received a number of international awards for educational innovation. Our experts continued to serve the educational needs of the community through knowledge-based solutions, against the backdrop of the pandemic. From coding, positive education, empowerment of students with special educational needs, parental education to the promotion of traditional values, our impactful projects aimed to make a difference beyond the school curriculum for the benefit of local parents, teachers, students and other stakeholders. I am delighted that these school and community projects have been well received, particularly the Chinese language and history animation projects, which recorded around one million and over five million hits respectively. The latter registered a big jump from the 1.6-plus million hits reported last year. Another popular series focusing on science-informed parenting attracted over half a million hits in less than three months. Strong community support Most of these projects would not have been possible without the generosity of our donors, who share our vision and mission in education. A record-high donation of over HK$178 million was received in 2019-20, representing more than a three-fold year-on-year increase. Furthermore, a total of HK$306 million was pledged during the same period, covering educational projects, scholarships and bursaries. Thanks to these pledges, we will be able to help achieve the goal of enabling 40% of local primary schools to have a head- start in computational thinking and coding education, as well as supporting youngsters in planning their career and life adventures in the coming five years.  EdUHK academics giving parenting advice in a series of online videos 教大學者透過網上影片與家長分享教養心得 社會鼎力支持 上述項目得以成功開展,實有賴各方的鼎力支持。在此,我 謹向本校所有捐贈者致意,感謝他們的慷慨捐助,在教育願 景上與教大同心同行。二零一九至二零年度,本校獲得逾一 億七千八百萬港元捐款,總額為上年度三倍,創歷年新高。 同期,另有總額達三億零六百萬港元的承諾捐款,涵蓋多個 教育項目、獎學金及助學金。藉著這些捐款,本校將於未來 五年,協助本港四成小學成為運算思維及編程教育的先驅, 以及支援年輕人探索及規劃人生。