EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Beyond Hong Kong, our academics received global recognition for their inventions and innovations in pedagogical applications, artificial intelligence for education, green agriculture and healthcare technologies. Their projects and products have redefined and redrawn the boundaries of education, and helped enhance the quality of life. During the reporting year, they received a total of 16 awards, including gold, silver and bronze medals, at international innovation competitions on both sides of the Atlantic. These included the prestigious International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, the 70th International Trade Fair “Ideas – Inventions – New Products” (iENA) in Germany, the International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN), and the Silicon Valley International Invention Festival. Increasing regional impact In addition to our local focus, we have spared no effort in sharing our knowledge with our counterparts in the region. In October 2018, I led a delegation on a week-long visit to Russia, where I shared the University’s transformation experience with over 40 pedagogical university heads. In May 2019, an EdUHK expert team entered into a partnership with the Directorate General of Higher Education in Cambodia to help Cambodian universities enhance their learning and teaching. With our expanding regional footprint, EdUHK has become a university of choice for students in the region and beyond, especially at the postgraduate level. The percentage of new international students in our research postgraduate programmes increased from 18% in 2016/17 to 42% in 2019/20. Students taking the programmes have come from different parts of the world, including Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, France, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Uganda, the United Kingdom, the United States and Vietnam. Community engagement Equally rewarding, if not more so, is the substantial impact our scholars have made in the local education sector through school-based projects, initiatives and pedagogical innovations. Among them are EdTech applications, such as big data, in special education and learning Chinese as a second language, as well as STEM and coding projects; and animation projects to support learning and teaching of Chinese language and Chinese history. Our projects have been well received by the school sector, and I am particularly encouraged by the overwhelming response to the Chinese history animation project, the website of which recorded over 1.6 million hits in the first year of its launch. To better understand the issues and challenges faced by education stakeholders, I believe it is important to continuously engage policymakers, school leaders and practitioners, frontline teachers, and parents through focused discussions. I wish to thank all the participants of Education Salon – a platform which the Council Chairman and I initiated in October 2017 – for their invaluable input and insights. During the reporting period, I also hosted a series 香港以外,教大學者的創新研究亦備受國際認可,包 括:創新教學法、教育應用的人工智能、綠色漁業養 殖及健康科技。這些項目與發明重新界定教育的界 限,並有助提高生活質素。 本年度,本校學者在歐美兩地的國際發明展及創新 展中,合共獲得十六個獎項,包括金、銀、銅牌。獎 項分別來自享負盛名的日內瓦發明展、第七十屆德國 「國際創意、發明及新產品展」(iENA展)、加拿大 國際發明及創新展,以及美國矽谷國際發明展。 地區影響力與日俱增 除本地教育界外,教大亦積極與亞洲區內夥伴分享 知識。 二零一八年十月,我應俄羅斯國家高等教育政策部邀 請,率團前往俄羅斯,進行一星期的學術訪問,與逾 四十位當地師範大學校長分享教大的變革經驗。二 零一九年五月,本校團隊更與柬埔寨高等教育部展 開夥伴合作計劃,協助當地大學提升學與教。 隨著我們的足跡日漸遍布亞洲區,教大已成為區內 外不少學生的心儀學府,當中以研究生課程最受歡 迎。本校研究院研究課程的國際學生百分比由二零 一六至一七學年的百分之十八,增加至二零一八至一 九學年的百分之四十二。這些研究生來自世界各地, 包括:孟加拉、柬埔寨、加拿大、法國、印尼、哈薩克 斯坦、南韓、馬來西亞、緬甸、尼泊爾、巴基斯坦、菲 律賓、波蘭、俄羅斯、土耳其、烏干達、英國、美國與 越南。 社區參與 教大在社區方面同樣積極參與。本校學者藉著校本 項目、倡議及教學創新發揮重大影響力,其中包括各 種教育科技應用,例如在特殊教育及以中文作為第 二語言學習方面應用的大數據、各類型的STEM及 編程項目,以及支援中國語言與歷史學與教的動畫。 這些項目均深受學界歡迎。「看動畫‧學歷史」項目 反應尤其熱烈,在推出一年內,該網站已錄得逾一百 六十萬的點擊率,令人鼓舞。 要瞭解教育持份者面對的種種議題與挑戰,無論是 政策制定者、學校管理層與執行者、前線教師,還是 家長,都必須藉著深入討論,不斷交流。為此,校董 會主席和我於二零一七年十月建構「教育沙龍」平 台。我要特別感謝所有「教育沙龍」的參與者提出寶 貴意見與建議。本年度,我也曾在校長宿舍舉行多次 茶聚,廣邀社會各界賢達與本校學生交流,參與的 學生以準教師為主。 8 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019