EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Statements of Comprehensive Income 全面收益表 For the Year Ended 30 June 2019 截至二零一九年六月三十日止年度 Group 本集團 University 教大 2019 2018 2019 2018 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 千元 千元 千元 千元 Income 收入 Government subventions 政府撥款 1,100,283 1,065,081 1,063,926 1,033,371 Tuition, programmes and 學費、課程和其他收費 other fees 552,773 508,977 541,026 498,640 Donations and benefactions 捐款及捐助 52,251 66,886 52,069 66,839 Auxiliary services 附屬服務 37,291 36,282 37,816 36,426 Interest and net investment 利息及投資淨收益 income 52,389 11,652 51,894 11,456 Other income 其他收入 25,339 26,425 23,940 25,334 1,820,326 1,715,303 1,770,671 1,672,066 Expenditure 支出 Teaching, learning and research 教學、學術及研究 Teaching and research 教學及研究 1,054,898 975,056 1,007,927 934,847 Library 圖書館 65,483 59,115 65,483 59,115 Central computing facilities 中央電腦設施 94,294 79,469 94,294 79,469 Other academic services 其他學術服務 67,523 62,165 67,523 62,165 Institutional support 教學支援 Management and general 管理及一般事項 109,641 104,237 109,420 104,042 Premises and related expenses 校舍及相關開支 308,320 260,807 306,338 258,895 Student and general 學生及一般教育服務 education services 117,802 108,657 117,792 108,656 1,817,961 1,649,506 1,768,777 1,607,189 Surplus and total 轉撥前本年度盈餘 comprehensive income 及全面收益總額 for the year before transfers 2,365 65,797 1,894 64,877 Transfer (from)/to 轉撥(自)/至 UGC funds 教資會資助基金 (16,444) 21,854 (16,444) 21,854 Restricted funds 指定基金 264 153 264 153 Other funds 其他基金 18,545 43,790 18,074 42,870 2,365 65,797 1,894 64,877 THE EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港教育大學 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise indicated) (除另有說明外,所有金額以港幣為單位) 79 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報