EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

財務委員會 3. 執行校董會委派的任何職責。 4. 如有需要,經校董會同意後增選財務委員會成員。 5. 有需要時可組成專責工作小組。 註釋一:目前委託予管理層的事務 1. 核准學費、使用設施等費用及收費(大學教育資助 委員會資助課程除外); 2. 通過會計程式;及 3. 通過採購程序。 榮譽學位頒授委員會 1. 就頒授榮譽學位及榮譽院士事宜作出考慮,並向校 董會提交建議。 2. 就校董會提出的頒授榮譽學位及榮譽院士相關事 宜,作出考慮。 Finance Committee 3. to perform any function laid upon it by the Council. 4. with the agreement of the Council, to co-opt such additional members to the Finance Committee as may be required. 5. to form any ad hoc working groups as considered necessary. Note 1: Matters currently delegated to the Management 1. approval of fees and charges (other than tuition fee of UGC-funded programmes) for courses of study, use of facilities, etc.; 2. approval of accounting procedures; and 3. approval of purchasing procedures. Honorary Awards Committee 1. to consider and recommend to the Council the conferment of honorary degrees and honorary fellowships. 2. to consider any matter associated with the conferment of honorary degrees and honorary fellowships. 72 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019