EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Dr Irene CHENG Nga-yee 鄭雅儀博士 Dr Irene Cheng is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Science and Environmental Studies of the University. She is a Staff Council Member elected by eligible staff members of the University. 鄭雅儀博士為本校科學與環境學系助理教授,也是由本校合資格教職員互選之校董會成員。 Ms Loretta LEUNG Mee-kuen 梁美娟女士 Ms Loretta Leung is a Senior Student Affairs Officer and Head of Wofoo Whole Person Development Centre of the University. She is a Staff Council Member elected by eligible staff members of the University. 梁美娟女士為本校高級學生事務主任及和富全人發展中心總監,也是由本校合資格教職員互選之校董會成員。 Mr LI Chin-wa 李展華先生 Mr Li Chin-wa is a senior lecturer of the Department of International Education, and Co-Director of Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education of the University. He is a Staff Council Member elected by eligible staff members of the University and the Vice President of Academic Staff Association of the University. 李展華先生為本校國際教育學系高級講師、宗教教育與心靈教育中心聯席總監,也是由本校合資格教職員互選 之校董會成員及本校教學人員協會副會長。 Professor May CHENG May-hung 鄭美紅教授 Professor May Cheng is the Associate Vice President (Academic Affairs) cum Registrar, and Chair Professor of Teacher Education at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction of the University. She is a Staff Council Member nominated by the Academic Board and appointed by the Council of the University. 鄭美紅教授為本校協理副校長(學術事務)及教務長,課程與教學學系教師教育講座教授,也是由本校教務委 員會提名、校董會委任的校董會成員。 68 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019