EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Professor John LEE Chi-kin 李子建教授 , JP Vice President (Academic) and Provost 學術及首席副校長 Professor John Lee is the Vice President (Academic) and Provost, Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning, Director of Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education, Co-Director (Research) of Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, and Co-Director of Centre for Education in Environmental Sustainability of the University. 李子建教授為本校學術及首席副校長、課程與教學講座教授,並獲頒聯合國教科文組織區域教育發展與終身學 習教席,同時擔任宗教教育與心靈教育中心總監、卓越教學發展中心聯席總監(研究),以及可持續發展教育中 心聯席總監。 Professor LUI Tai-lok 呂大樂教授 , JP Vice President (Research and Development) 副校長(研究與發展) Professor Lui Tai-lok is the Vice President (Research and Development), Chair Professor of Hong Kong Studies, Director of Academy of Hong Kong Studies, and Director of Centre for Greater China Studies of the University. 呂大樂教授為本校副校長(研究與發展)、香港社會研究講座教授、香港研究學院總監,以及大中華研究中心 總監。 Mrs Michelle WONG YAU Wai-ching 黃邱慧清女士 , JP Mrs Michelle Wong is a teacher by profession. She is the Deputy Secretary of Education of the Education Bureau, with a portfolio covering the policy formulation and implementation in respect of the following areas: kindergarten education, special and integrated education, teacher development and professional development for teachers and principals. 黃邱慧清女士為專業教師,現為教育局副秘書長,服務領域涵蓋以下政策的制定和執行:幼稚園教育、特殊和 融合教育、教師發展,以及教師和校長的專業發展等。 67 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 Governance Report 管治報告