EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Professor LUI Hon-kwong 呂漢光教授 Professor Lui Hon-kwong is the Associate Vice-President (Further Education and Projects) and Professor of the Department of Marketing and International Business at Lingnan University. He received his PhD in economics from The University of Hong Kong and worked for a few years as a marketing executive in the retail industry and as a statistician in the civil service. He was a member of the EcoPark Advisory Committee, Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal Panel, and Disciplinary Panel A of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Moreover, he was a Council Member of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority and Deputy Chairman of its Research and Development Committee. 呂漢光教授現為嶺南大學協理副校長(持續教育及項目)及市場及國際企業學系教授,呂教授於香港大學取得 經濟學哲學博士學位,早年曾在零售連鎖店任職市務行政人員及香港政府統計師。他曾任環保園諮詢委員會委 員、律師紀律審裁團成員及香港會計師公會紀律委員會成員。呂教授亦曾出任香港考試及評核局委員會委員及 其研究及發展委員會副主席。 Dr Grace POON Wing-kit 潘永潔醫生 Dr Grace Poon is a Consultant in Paediatrics at Queen Mary Hospital and an Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine of LKS Faculty of Medicine at The University of Hong Kong. She is an expert in paediatric endocrinology and rare metabolic diseases. Dr Poon is the President of the Hong Kong Society of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, a Member of the Task Force for Newborn Screening for Inborn Errors of Metabolism, and a Member of the Expert Panel on Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Lysosomal Storage Disorders. 潘永潔醫生為瑪麗醫院兒科顧問醫生、香港大學兒科及青少年科學系榮譽臨牀助理教授。她是兒科內分泌學和 罕見代謝疾病的專家。潘醫生亦為香港先天性代謝缺陷協會會長、初生嬰兒代謝病篩查計劃工作小組成員及治 療溶酶體貯積症的酵素替代療法專家小組成員。 Professor Stephen CHEUNG Yan-leung 張仁良教授 , SBS, JP, Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques President 校長 Professor Stephen Cheung is the President and Chair Professor of Public Policy of the University. 張仁良教授為本校校長及公共政策講座教授。 66 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019