EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

It is my greatest pleasure to present an overview of the developments at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), which is celebrating its silver jubilee. The first quarter century has been a transformative journey for EdUHK, from a mono-technic institute, offering sub-degree programmes, into a flagship of excellence in teacher education with complementary disciplines. Our unswerving commitment to education excellence and innovation over the decades has benefited the school sector and the wider community, not only in Hong Kong, but also across the region. We look forward with confidence to the next 25 years, secure in the knowledge of our academic capabilities and the strong foundation we have established. Taking this opportunity, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to all University members and stakeholders for their unfailing support. Quality assurance Currently, the University offers a range of self-accredited degree programmes, which are subject to rigorous quality assurance mechanisms. The University’s quality assurance was once again affirmed in October 2018 by a Quality Assurance Council (QAC) panel of local and overseas experts, who reviewed our sub-degree provisions, following a comprehensive quality audit conducted in October 2016 when QAC recognised and commended the high-quality learning experience provided by EdUHK at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Commitment to learning and teaching Enhancing learning and teaching has been our top priority, given our core mission in teacher education. To this end, an additional HK$150 million has been earmarked to enhance learning, teaching and research over a three-year period. The new funding will be channelled through the three Faculties to facilitate their efforts in achieving the University’s strategic goals, which include the ongoing global recruitment exercise of top scholars and teaching staff to strengthen the University’s academic and research capacities. EdUHK has long championed the nurturing of 21st century educators and professionals through innovative learning and teaching. In this regard, I am very pleased that a faculty member was awarded the University Grants Committee (UGC) Teaching Award under the category of Early Career Faculty Members in 2018, in recognition of his outstanding teaching performance and achievements and pursuit of academic excellence. The University is also set to implement the new curriculum for our Bachelor of Education (BEd) programmes in the 2019/20 academic year. The common core curriculum for our non-BEd programmes will be aligned accordingly. In addition to the introduction of new credit-bearing experiential learning and 今年是教大銀禧校慶。我很高興能在此與大家分享 本校過去一年的發展。 教大在過去四份一世紀經歷了重大的變革,由最初 只提供證書課程的單一學科院校,蛻變成教師教育 及相關多元學科的卓越學府。多年來,我們秉持卓越 教育及教育創新的使命,為學界及社會作出貢獻,在 香港及以外地區發揮影響力。 憑藉教大的學術和研究實力,以及多年來建立的堅 實基礎,我們對教大邁向下一個二十五年的發展充 滿信心。我亦要感謝所有大學成員及持份者一直以 來的鼎力支持。 質素保證 本校現時提供一系列自我評審的學位課程,並設有 嚴謹的質素保證機制。繼二零一六年十月,質素保證 局(質保局)對教大的學士學位及研究生課程進行 全面的質素核證,並給予肯定和稱許後,質保局於二 零一八年十月委託由本地與海外專家組成的評審小 組,完成一項有關教大副學位課程的質素核證,再次 肯定本校的課程質素。  對學與教的承擔 教大以培育優秀教師為核心使命,首要之務就是學 與教的提升。為此,我們於未來三年將額外投放一 億五千萬港元,進一步提升學與教及研究實力,透過 本校三個學院,實踐教大的策略性願景,包括持續 增聘全球頂尖學者與教學人員,加強教研實力。 President’s Overview 校長的話 6 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019