EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Risk Themes 風險類別 Risk Statements 風險陳述 Mitigation Plans 減低風險計劃 Risk Treatment 風險管理 Human resources 人力資源 • Challenges in recruiting and retaining the right talents if not dealt with timely may affect EdUHK to deliver its objectives 若在招聘及保留合適人才 方面挑戰重重,本校將難 實現其目標 • Develop a sustainable human resources strategy and plan that can support the University’s overall objectives 發展可持續人力資源策略及計劃,支持 本校實現整體目標 • Review and maintain competitive remuneration packages, and fair and transparent appraisal and reward systems 檢視及維持具競爭力的薪酬待遇,以 及公平和具透明度的評核及獎賞制度 • Cultivate a performance driven culture to reward high performers 培養以表現為本的文化,嘉獎表現優 異的員工 • Draw up a succession plan for key positions 就重要職位設立繼任計劃 • Periodic review of the performance-based reward system to retain talents and reward high performers 定期檢視以績效為本的獎勵制度,以留住人才及嘉獎 表現優異的員工 • Formulated a staff re-engagement procedures and HRO would, on an annual basis, bring up the list of staff members reaching retirement age in the coming five academic years for the attention of Deans/Directors/Vice-Presidents/ President. Appropriate succession plan or re- engagement plan would then be discussed by the Staff Re-engagement Committee 已制訂一套員工退休後重行聘用程序,人力資源處每 年會將未來五個學年內將屆退休年齡的員工名單,提 交予各學院院長/部門主管/副校長/校長。合適的繼任 計劃或員工退休後重行聘用安排將由員工退休後重行 聘用委員會進行討論 Financial sustainability 財政可持續性 • Ineffective financial planning and analysis, budget and investment monitoring in response to different challenges and uncertainties may affect EdUHK’s financial sustainability 在應對不同挑戰及不確定 性時,若缺乏有效的財政 計劃、分析、預算及投資 監管,可能會影響本校財 政的可持續性 • Maintain financial viability for long-term strategic planning and development through broadening revenue streams 為長遠的策略發展計劃開拓收入來 源,以保持財政穩健 • Maintain a prudent yet bold spending attitude 作審慎而進取的理財管理 • Review and approval of significant budget allocation and spending by the Council and the Finance Committee 檢視及通過由校董會及財務委員會作出的重大財政 預算撥款及開支 • Performed annual review of long-term staffing profile (e.g. retirement) and financial projection to assess flexibility in coping with funding challenges in future, if any 已進行年度檢視長遠員工組成狀況(例如退休)及財 政預算,評估未來撥款若出現挑戰時的彈性空間 • Additional budget allocation for new strategic initiatives 為新策略舉措提供額外撥款 • Considered discontinuation of ineffective programmes, schemes or initiatives to facilitate redeployment of resources towards areas of strategic priority 已考慮終止欠缺效益的項目、計劃或舉措,以便將資 源調配至更有迫切需要的策略範疇上 Information systems and cyber security 信息系統及網 絡保安 • Insufficient support by information systems and safeguards from cyber security threats may affect EdUHK’s efficiency and effectiveness in daily operations, management and decision making. In addition, risks related to personal data breach may increase 信息系統支援不足以及網 絡安全威脅,或影響本校 日常運作的效率及效能、 管理及決策。個人資料外 洩風險亦會增加 • Active planning, organisation and control of consistent, reliable and accessible information to meet the University’s needs 積極規劃、籌組和控制一致、可靠、可 訪問的信息,以符合大學需要 • Implement, renew and update security measures to adequately safeguard information systems and IT infrastructure 實施、重整以及更新安全措施,以充分 保護網絡基建及相關信息系統 • Keep the University community on guard against IT threats 確保本校人士懂得防範威脅 • Upgraded information systems and accelerated automation of business workflow 升級信息系統並加速工作流程自動化 • Conducted regular reviews of IT security policies and procedures 恆常檢視資訊保安政策及程序 • Conducted regular security audits and surprise checking on critical IT infrastructure and information systems 針對重要的網絡基建及相關信息系統,定期審視其保 安程度,並進行突擊檢查 • Conducted training workshops and promotional activities to raise awareness 舉辦培訓講座及宣傳活動,以提高安全意識 57 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 Governance Report 管治報告