EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Renewal of EdUHK’s UNESCO Chair After a rigorous selection process, Professor John Lee Chi-kin was appointed UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning. The four-year appointment, first awarded to EdUHK in 2011, has since been renewed twice. With the reappointment, EdUHK will continue to contribute to the development of 21st century skills and positive values, capacity building across education sectors, technical and vocational education and training (TVET), life and values education, environmental education and intercultural education. The University is committed to its role in helping achieve UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals, several of which are related to the environment. The University is conducting research, sharing its knowledge, and collaborating with industry to work towards a greener Hong Kong. A two- year study completed by our scholars in 2018 assessed the readiness of the hospitality industry for a future green economy and suggested ways different organisations could contribute to a sustainable future. 再獲聯合國教科文組織教席 李子建教授在經過嚴謹的遴選程序後,榮獲「聯合 國教科文組織區域教育發展及終身學習教席」,任 命為期四年。教大於二零一一年首獲「聯合國教科文 組織教席」,至今已是三度獲此殊榮。續任後,教大 將在廿一世紀技能及正面價值觀的發展、教育界人 才實力的建立、技術及職業教育與培訓、生命及價值 觀教育、環境教育,以及跨文化教育等領域,繼續作 出貢獻。 本校樂意承擔協助聯合國教科文組織實現可持續發 展目標的使命,不少目標更與環境息息相關。目前教 大正開展研究、分享知識,並與業界合作,為建設一 個更環保的香港盡一分力。二零一八年,本校學者完 成一項為期兩年的研究,評估酒店業在迎向未來綠 色經濟方面的準備情況,並提出不同組織如何為可 持續未來作貢獻的建議。 (From left) Professor Jim Chi-yung, Professor John Lee Chi-kin, and Project Honorary Advisor and former assistant director of the Hong Kong Observatory Mr Leung Wing-mo announce a platform for the community to contribute to the greening and re-greening of Hong Kong (左起)詹志勇教授、李子建教授及項目榮譽顧問兼前香港 天文台助理台長梁榮武先生宣布開發平台,為香港的綠化及 再綠化作出貢獻 40 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019