EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Green pathways on a caring campus 綠色關愛校園 Biodiversity on campus Members of the University community and visitors can enjoy the tranquil, lush surroundings of the Tai Po Campus. To share the beauty of nature with more people, the University participated in the annual worldwide City Nature Challenge (CNC), jointly organised by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and the California Academy of Sciences in April 2019. With a total of 1,271 observations covering 380 species, EdUHK outshone the other six tertiary institutions in Hong Kong and Macau and was named the most biodiverse campus in Hong Kong in the Inter-University CNC. Steps to reduce our collective ecological footprint To better understand the current situation and measure the effectiveness of its existing green initiatives, the University conducted its first waste audit in 2018. Then in December, the Third International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource, with a Focus on Food Waste, was held on campus. Academics, experts and undergraduates from Australia, Belgium, Canada, mainland China, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, India, South Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States discussed state-of-the-art technologies, advanced management strategies, and various other issues to assist in the formulation of an effective sustainable management agenda for organic waste. 校園生物多樣性 教大大埔校園寧靜,綠意盎然,令人心曠神怡。為分 享此自然之美,本校於二零一九年四月,參與了由洛 杉磯自然歷史博物館及加州科學院聯合舉辦的「全 球城市年度自然挑戰賽(CNC)」。是次挑戰賽共有 一千二百七十一項觀察資料,涉及三百八十個物種。 教大於香港及澳門合共七所參賽之大專院校中,脫 穎而出,榮獲本屆大學 CNC 挑戰賽「全港最具生物 多樣性校園」美譽。 38 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019