EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Education opens doors 打開夢想之門 Elite Athlete Friendly University Since becoming the first tertiary institution to admit elite athletes in 2010 through flexible study arrangements, the University has led the way in enabling elite athletes to achieve their dream of graduating from university and stretching their potential beyond the sporting arena. In 2014, EdUHK became the first University Grants Committee-funded institution to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI). This year, it established the EdUHK Postgraduate Degree Programme Scholarship for Elite Athletes and announced its pledge to be an Elite Athlete Friendly University. 精英運動員友好大學 教大自二零一零年起,率先取錄精英運動員, 以靈活學習安排,入讀本校,為首間大專院 校有此創舉。教大一直致力推動本港精 英運動員全人發展,協助他們發揮體育 以外的潛能,完成他們的大學夢想。 二零一四年,本校成為首間與香港體育 學院簽訂相關合作備忘錄的教資會資助院校。 今年,本校更增設「精英運動員修讀教大學士後課 程獎學金」,並作出「精英運動員友好大學」承諾。 EdUHK Elder Academy enables devoted “teachers of elders” to pass on their knowledge and experience 教大「長者學苑」令熱心教學的長者導師可傳授他們的知識及經驗 Lifelong learning In December 2018, 40 “teachers of elders” received a Professional Certificate in Lifelong and Elderly Education from the EdUHK Elder Academy. The “Train-the-trainer” Professional Certificate Programme in Lifelong and Elderly Education enables devoted elderly teachers to pass on their knowledge and experience. Since its founding in 2010, the Academy has offered a range of programmes in an intergenerational learning environment for younger students and older adults. The Student Affairs Office and the Salvation Army Tai Po Multi-service Centre for Senior Citizens co-organised the Intergeneration Learning and Elderly Service Project with the aim of enhancing students’ exposure to local elderly services and developing their service leadership and organisation skills. In 2018/19, six programmes and a lifestyle booklet were created by EdUHK students, with the aim of empowering older adults and facilitating intergenerational communication. 終身學習 二零一八年十二月,四十名長者導師獲教大「長者學 苑」頒授長者導師培訓專業證書。這群充滿熱忱的 長者導師,藉著「樂為耆師」長者導師培訓專業證 書課程,得以把他們的知識及經驗傳授開去。自二 零一零年成立以來,學苑一直在長者課程中,提供 一系列高質素課程,並安排年輕學員加入,創造跨 代學習環境。 此外,學生事務處及救世軍大埔長者綜合服務中 心,合辦「跨代學習及長者服務計劃」,旨在擴闊學 員接觸本地長者服務的機會,學習成為領袖,累積 統籌經驗。二零一八至一九年度,教大同學設計了六 個活動及一本生活手冊,鼓勵長者發揮自我,同時 促進跨代溝通。 37 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 Making a difference 積極參與 發揮影響