EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

The symposium on special education , jointly organised by the Education Bureau, the Hong Kong Special Schools Council, and the Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education of EdUHK, was held on campus on 19 December 2018. The tripartite partnership plays an important role in enhancing professional growth and knowledge dissemination. Speaking at the event to over 2,000 heads and teachers of 61 special schools , Secretary for Education Mr Kevin Yeung Yun-hung and EdUHK Council Chairman Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang recognised the concerted efforts of scholars in special needs training and related knowledge transfer. 二零一八年十二月十九日,由教育局、香港特殊學校議會及特殊學習需要與融合教育中心舉辦的 全港特殊學校專業發展日 ,假教大校園舉行。此三方夥 伴關係,在促進專業發展和知識傳播方面,發揮著重要作用。是次專業發展日有 六十一所特殊學校、逾二千名校長及教師參與 。教育局局長楊潤雄先生 及本校校董會主席馬時亨教授在會上,表彰一眾學者對特殊教育培訓及相關知識轉移作出的共同努力。 全城文學活動 在北美及歐洲廣受歡迎的「我城我書」活動,二零一 九年首次在香港舉行。是次全城文學活動由本校資 助。學系教職員及學生,與多所學校、不同文學及社 區組織合作,舉辦一系列活動及研討會,旨在培養閱 讀文化,並鼓勵參與者分享各自觀點。 Citywide literary event Long popular in cities in North America and Europe, One City One Book made its debut in Hong Kong in 2019 with funding from the University. Faculty members and students collaborated with schools as well as literary and community-based organisations to conduct a series of events and workshops with the aim of fostering a culture of reading and encouraging the sharing of opinions. Since 2010, 74 elite athletes have been admitted to EdUHK 自二零一零年起,教大取錄之 精英運動員多達七十四名 An open, free exhibition kick-starts One City One Book 「我城我書」以免費公開的展覽揭開序幕 36 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019