EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019
傑出學者講座 大學是思想交流的沃土,開放自由。人們藉著討論, 了解不同觀點,獲取大量知識、經驗與技能。教大全 年舉辦各類型活動,以促進學習,加深相互瞭解。 Bringing people together 人才匯聚 Distinguished lectures The University provides fertile ground for ideas, nourished by discussions, different perspectives, and the pooling of knowledge, experience and skills. EdUHK hosts events throughout the year to facilitate learning and enhance understanding. Over 160 top geography students and over 80 education practitioners from 43 countries compete at iGeo 2019 on the EdUHK campus 來自四十三個國家及地區, 逾一百六十名頂尖地理學生 及八十名教育界人士,出席 在教大校園舉辦的國際地理 奧林匹克 In October, celebrated French economist Professor Thomas Piketty became the first guest speaker of the Distinguished Lecture Series in French Culture and Education, jointly presented by EdUHK and the French consulate, and sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Speaking to a full house, he reinvigorated discussions on global wealth inequality and modern capitalism. EdUHK hosts HK’s first-ever iGEO The International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) was held on campus in July, the first time Hong Kong hosted the annual event. Students aged between 16 and 19 from 43 countries showcased their map, inquiry and graphicacy skills in the component tests to compete for top honours under this year’s theme “Discovering a vibrant city for our smart future”. From left: Dr Frédéric Bretar, Mr Leong Cheung, Professor Thomas Piketty, Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung, Mr Antony Leung Kam-chung, and Professor Lui Tai-lok 左起:Frédéric Bretar博士、張亮先生、湯瑪斯·皮克提教授、張仁良教授、梁錦松先生及 呂大樂教授 十月,知名法國經濟學家湯瑪斯·皮克提教授,應邀 擔任教大法國文化和教育「傑出學者講座」系列首 場演講主講嘉賓。是次活動由教大及法國駐港總領 事館合辦,並獲賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助。當日講 座,座無虛席,皮克提教授再次掀起對全球財富分配 不均現象及現代資本主義的熱烈討論。 教大主辦香港首屆國際地理奧林匹克 七月,教大於校園舉辦國際地理奧林匹克,為香港 首次舉辦此年度盛事。賽事主題為「體驗動感城市, 開創智慧未來」。參賽學生來自全球四十三個國家 及地方,年齡介乎十六至十九歲。在綜合測試中,他 們展現各種地理技能, 包括:閱讀地圖、理解 圖表以及探究能力等, 一同角逐本年度各項殊 榮。 Professor Piketty speaks about wealth inequality 湯瑪斯·皮克提教授講述財富不均 35 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 Making a difference 積極參與 發揮影響
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