EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Positive impact beyond borders Recognising EdUHK’s leading expertise in the field of education, a growing number of organisations and governments in the region have approached the University to design and put in place strategic plans for education development. Russia Building on the successful collaboration that began in 2017 with the Russian Academy of Education and Minin University in Russia on teacher professional development, EdUHK President Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung, at the invitation of the Department of State Policy in Higher Education ( ФУМО ВО ) in Russia, led a delegation on a week-long visit in October 2018 to Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and St Petersburg, where he addressed over 40 pedagogical university heads across the country, explaining the University’s transformation experience. In the same month, Minsk State Linguistic University (MSLU) in Belarus invited EdUHK scholars to teach nearly 200 local Chinese teachers and students. They shared their experience in training Chinese language professionals and exchanged views on the Chinese curriculum. The visit paved the way for further scholarly exchange, with two MSLU scholars attending The 5th International Chinese Teaching Seminar at EdUHK in July 2019. 影響遍及鄰近地區 有鑑於教大在教育範疇一貫的領先地位,越來越多 鄰近國家及地區的機構以至政府部門,邀請教大為 其設計及制定教育發展策略。 俄羅斯 本校自二零一七年開始,已與俄羅斯教育科學院及 米寧大學,共同推動教師專業發展。在此成功的基 礎上,教大校長張仁良教授應俄羅斯國家高等教 育政策部邀請,於二零一八年十月率團前往莫斯科、 下諾夫哥羅德及聖彼得堡,作為期一星期的學術訪 問。其間,張教授向逾四十位當地師範大學校長演 說,分享教大的變革經驗。 同月,白俄羅斯明斯克國立語言大學邀請教大學者 前往該校,指導當地近二百名中文教師及學生,分享 培訓中文專業教師的經驗,並交流對中文課程的意 見。是次訪問造就雙方其後進一步的學術交流。二零 一九年七月,教大舉辦的第五屆中文教學國際研討 會上,便有兩名來自明斯克國立語言大學的學者應邀 出席。 The Construction Industry Council (CIC) awarded a HK$10 million contract to EdUHK to teach 15 courses over a period of three years for teaching staff at the Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC). The contract comes on the back of the University’s success in teaching six HKIC cohorts in the Certificate in Learning and Teaching programme for Effective Vocational and Professional Education. 建造業議會與教大簽訂一千萬港元合作協議 ,由教大為香港建造學院提供為 期三年,涵蓋 十五門課程 的導師培訓課程。此前,本校成功為香港建造學院提 供六屆職業及專業教育的學習及教學證書課程。 EdUHK President Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung (sixth from left) leads a delegation to Moscow City University 教大校長張仁良教授(左六)率領代表團到訪 莫斯科城市大學 30 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019