EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019
Visible impact through knowledge transfer 發揮知識轉移之影響 Pioneering steps in e-learning and STEM With generous funding from the Li Ka Shing Foundation, EdUHK officially launched Cornerstone Maths in November 2018, bringing to Hong Kong for the first time the e-learning platform developed through a transatlantic collaboration between SRI International, a non-profit scientific research institute in the US, and the University College London (UCL) Knowledge Lab. In the 2018/19 academic year, Cornerstone Maths was successfully implemented in 21 secondary schools. The Chinese version, which rolls out in September 2019, will further extend the reach and impact of this innovative platform to benefit more local schools. The four-year CoolThink@JC Programme, created and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HKJC) and co-created by EdUHK, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and City University of Hong Kong has helped provide 32 local schools with a head start in computational thinking- coding education in computer lessons. Nearly 18,000 students from Primary 4 to 6 have benefited so far and the team aims to further promote problem- solving skills and creativity in order to help more students move beyond being mere consumers of technology to becoming technology innovators in the digital era. 開拓電子學習及 STEM 教育 教大獲李嘉誠基金會慷慨捐贈,於二零一八年十一月 正式推出「基石數學」計劃,首次在香港引進由美國 非牟利科學研究機構史丹福國際研究中心,以及倫 敦大學學院知識實驗室聯合開發的電子學習平台, 並於二零一八至一九學年,成功於二十一所中學引進 該平台。「基石數學」中文版於二零一九年九月推出, 將進一步擴大此創新性平台的影響範圍,惠及更多 本地學校。 由教大、美國麻省理工學院及香港城市大學聯合策 動,為期四年的「賽馬會運算思維教育」計劃,已在 本港三十二所先導小學推行,讓學生於電腦課堂上 學習運算思維及編程。計劃獲香港賽馬會慈善基金 全數資助,推行以來,已有近一萬八千名小四至小六 學生受惠。團隊有意進一步推廣數碼時代中,學生們 需要具備的解難能力與創造力,使他們由單純的科 技消費者,變為科技應用的創造者。 The four-day event targets world-renowned academics, frontline education practitioners, IT professionals, and local primary teachers and students 編程嘉年華為期四天,對象為 世界知名的學者、前線教育工 作者、IT界專業人士以及小學 教師和小學生 29 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 Professor Kong Siu-cheung discusses abstract mathematical concepts with secondary school students using Cornerstone Maths 江紹祥教授協助正在試用「基石數學」的中學生,講解 抽象的數學概念 Driving innovation 推動創新 知識轉移
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