EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Nurturing a new generation of researchers Over the years, the number of research postgraduates (RPg) has increased steadily. The University now has nearly 300 doctoral students in our RPg and Doctor of Education programmes. Under the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, seven EdUHK candidates from Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Turkey, the United Kingdom and Vietnam were awarded the prestigious PhD Fellowships in 2018/19. In addition, 12 more EdUHK- nominated candidates, from Bangladesh, mainland China, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Nepal, Russia and Vietnam will commence their studies in 2019/20. 培育新進學者 多年來,本校研究院研究生人數一直穩步增長。目 前,本校有近三百名博士生,修讀研究院研究課程及 教育博士課程。根據香港博士研究生獎學金計劃, 本校七名來自孟加拉、哈薩克斯坦、土耳其、英國及 越南的候選人,在二零一八至一九年度獲頒傑出博士 研究生獎學金。此外,十二名獲教大提名的候選學 者、來自孟加拉、內地、哈薩克斯坦、南韓、尼泊爾、 俄羅斯及越南,將於二零一九至二零年度,在本校開 展研究工作。 To attract more outstanding students from Belt & Road (B&R) regions, the HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund Targeted Scholarship Scheme has been expanded to cover all B&R countries, as well as RPg students, starting from the 2019/20 academic year. Three candidates from Kazakhstan and the Philippines nominated for the B&R Scholarship (RPg) 2019/20 begin their studies at EdUHK this September. To support the start-up ventures of its students and alumni, the University launched the Education And Social Entrepreneurs Fund (EASE Fund) in 2018, marking a major milestone in cultivating a creative, entrepreneurial and innovative ambiance in the EdUHK community. In 12 workshops organised by The Knowledge Transfer Sub-office, entrepreneurs, investment experts, non-governmental organisations, charity founders, and business consultants shared with participants practical business skills and the latest market information. The three winning teams of the inaugural EASE Fund were each awarded HK$120,000 in seed funding. 為吸納更多來自一帶一路沿線國家或地區的優秀學 生,香港特別行政區政府獎學基金增設「一帶一路 獎學金」,全面涵蓋沿線地區,包括二零一九至二零 學年入學的研究院研究生。三名來自哈薩克斯坦及 菲律賓的教大提名候選人,獲授予二零一九至二零學 年「一帶一路獎學金」,並於今年九月入學。 為支援學生及校友創辦的初創企業,本校於二零一 八年啟動教育與社會企業家基金計劃。此重要里程 碑,正是教大於校內提升創造力、宣揚企業家精神, 以及營造創新氛圍的標誌。本校研究與發展事務處 知識轉移辦公室為此舉辦了十二場工作坊。不少企 業家、專業投資者、非政府組織、慈善機構創辦人及 商業顧問應邀出席,與其他與會者分享實用商業技 能及市場最新資訊。首屆教育與社會企業家基金選 出三支獲勝隊伍,各獲十二萬港元創業種子資金。 Candidates from Bangladesh, mainland China, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Nepal, Russia and Vietnam look forward to commencing their studies at EdUHK under the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 來自孟加拉、內地、哈薩克斯坦、南韓、尼泊爾、俄羅斯及越南的「香港博士研究生獎學金計劃」得主,熱切期盼在教大展開 他們的進修生活 28 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019