EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

利用日光及室光,有別於傳統利用紫外光的催化環 境淨化技術。另有一面銀牌,給予教大學者及其研 究夥伴,獎勵他們為自閉症譜系兒童,制定多元化綜 合帶氧運動導師指導手冊。 二零一八年十一月,第七十屆iENA紐倫堡國際發明 展在德國舉行。本校一項互動學中文的嶄新融合教 學方案,以數碼媒體技術結合漢字字義與筆劃,榮 獲銀獎。二零一九年四月,教大代表團再下一城。繼 於二零一七至一八年度,教育科技項目獲得三面銀牌 後,在第四十七屆日內瓦國際發明展上再勇奪四銀 一銅。在二零一八至一九年度,教大的參賽項目展示 了一系列可應用於現實生活的研究成果,涵蓋:創新 教學法、教育應用的人工智能、綠色漁業養殖及健 康科技,足證教育與生活質素息息相關。 二零一九年六月,教大首度參加美國矽谷國際發明 展。三項參展的教育科技項目,包括:中文學與教、 寫作修訂追蹤以及遊戲化訓練,分別獲得一金、兩 銀及一項特別獎。 在日內瓦國際發明展獲獎項目中,部分教大項目已 取得專利,包括:廚餘再造魚糧,以及基於教育大數 據的模糊人才評測系統。此外,本校亦與一所本地社 企簽訂特許協議,把注意力不足過動症學童AR遊戲 學習套,予以商品化。本年度,加拿大國際發明及創 新展中獲獎的創新方格樂譜,以及納米黄金粒子食 品安全技術,亦已提交專利申請。 Across the Atlantic, an interactive Chinese learning method that integrates digital media technology with the meaning and structure of Chinese characters won a silver award at the 70th International Trade Fair “Ideas – Inventions – New Products” (iENA) in Germany in November 2018. Then in April 2019, a delegation from EdUHK won four silver medals and one bronze medal at the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, held in Switzerland. Following the success of education technology (EdTech) projects in 2017/18, which won three silver awards, the 2018/19 submissions demonstrated a wide range of real-world applications of research conducted at EdUHK. The innovations covered pedagogical innovation, AI for education, green aquaculture and healthcare technologies, redrawing the boundaries of education and quality of life. In June 2019, EdUHK took part for the first time in the Silicon Valley International Invention Festival. The three exhibited educational technologies, which cover Chinese learning and teaching, student revision tracking, and training gamification, won one gold, two silver and one special award. Of the EdUHK projects which won medals at Geneva, patents have been filed for the fish feed created from food waste project and the Fuzzy Talent Assessment System Based on Educational Big Data. Also, a licensing agreement was concluded with a local social enterprise, enabling it to commercialise the play-based AR Training Kit for ADHD Children. In the reporting year, EdUHK filed patents for the system that creates a grid notation music score, which won a gold medal at iCAN, and a food safety technology invention that uses nano-gold particles. 27 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 Driving innovation 推動創新 知識轉移