EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

In pursuit of research excellence 追求卓越研究 Another breakthrough EdUHK has been added to the list of designated universities that receive funding under the Innovation and Technology Fund to support technology transfer offices in local universities. The HK$8 million in annual funding from the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government bears testimony to the University’s knowledge transfer efforts and the considerable strides made over the years. International awards The growing global recognition of EdUHK is the result of our colleagues’ concerted efforts and excellent achievements. In addition to their academic papers being cited by other scholars and their research extending knowledge, they have developed innovations in a range of areas. In September 2018, EdUHK scholars brought home medals from the International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN). Gold medals were awarded to three projects: (1) a low-cost hardware- software system, which enables secondary students to conduct STEM experiments online; (2) a grid notation for an electronic orchestra; and (3) a newly developed graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst, which unlike traditional photocatalytic environmental purification technology, which uses UV light, can use daylight or indoor light. A silver medal was awarded to EdUHK scholars and research partners for their teaching manual on aerobic game-based exercises, developed for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 另一突破 教大獲創新及科技基金納入指定大學名單,每年可 獲香港特別行政區政府創新科技署高達八百萬港元 資助。基金一直撥款支持本港大學知識轉移處的運 作,獲納入名單,足證本校在這方面的 不懈努力,以及近年的飛躍進步,得到 認可。 國際獎項 本校在國際間聲譽日隆,表現卓越,備受矚目。此乃 教大同仁共同努力之成果。本校學者的學術研究著 述,經常為其他學者引用;他們藉著研究,擴展知 識,並在不同領域推動創新。 二零一八年九月,教大學者在加拿大國際發明及創新 比賽中獲得多面獎牌,其中三面為金牌,包括:(一) 低成本便攜式裝置,讓中學生進行網上STEM實驗; (二)為「e-樂團」而設的創新方格樂譜;(三)應用 新型石墨相氮化碳光催化劑的 空氣淨化裝置, 26 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019