EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

撥款項目 本年度,四十一個教大項目分別獲「優配研究金」、 「傑出青年學者計劃」、「人文學及社會科學傑出學 者計劃」撥款資助,總金額達二千六百八十六萬港 元,為近年新高。本校遞交的研究項目申請,逾四分 之一獲得資助。 傳統優勢領域 本年度「優配研究金」撥款申請中,本校於教育科目 範圍再佔鰲頭,獲資助項目數量及撥款總額均為本 地大學之首。十三項教育項目合共獲得九百一十三萬 港元資助,佔該範圍總資助金額百分之四十六點一 五。「優配研究金」的評分以五分為滿分,教大三十 一項獲批項目中,百分之七十一獲四點五或以上評 分。 在「傑出青年學者計劃」中,教大於心理及語言學科 目範圍獲取之撥款總額,亦為眾校之首。本校共有四 個項目成功獲得撥款,申請成功率為百分之四十,合 共取得三百九十二萬港元資助,佔總資助金額百分之 六十九點九一。 申請成功率高 在「優配研究金」撥款申請中,本校在自然科學學科 小組表現出色。教大的七項申請中,有四項獲得資 助,撥款申請成功率為百分之五十七點一四。 在社會及行為科學學科小組,本校近半撥款申請成 功,合共獲得三百九十八萬港元資助;在十三項申請 中,有六項成功獲批。 Record funding awarded 研究撥款再創新高 Winning applications A total of HK$26.86 million in research funding was awarded to 41 EdUHK projects in this year’s General Research Fund (GRF), Early Career Scheme (ECS), and Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme exercises. This was the highest-ever amount received by EdUHK. More than a quarter of the University’s submissions were successful. Traditional areas of strength In the GRF exercise, the University once again ranked first in the subject discipline of Education, both in terms of the number of awarded projects and the awarded amount. The 13 education projects received total funding of HK$9.13 million, equivalent to 46.15 per cent of the total awarded amount in this discipline. Of the 31 approved GRF projects, 71 per cent scored 4.5 or above on a 5-point scale. Under the ECS exercise, the University also ranked first in the discipline of Psychology and Linguistics. With four successful projects, representing a success rate of 40 per cent, and total funding of HK$3.92 million, EdUHK secured the most funding, equivalent to 69.91 per cent of the total funding. High success rates Of the seven GRF submissions in Physical Sciences, four were successful, bringing in HK$1.63 million, representing a 57.14 per cent success rate. Close to half the GRF submissions in Social and Behavioural Sciences were successful. The six projects out of 13 submitted were awarded a total of HK$3.98 million. Over 20 % year-on-year increase in funding 獲資助金額按年上升逾百分之二十 in Education in the GRF exercise 在「優配研究金」教育科目範圍名列第一 1 st EdUHK has 159 ongoing projects, which have received total funding of HK$97.77 million in a wide range of disciplines and subjects, including Education, Social Sciences, Psychology and Linguistics, and the Humanities and Arts. 教大現正進行一百五十九項研究項目,合共獲得九千七百七十七萬港元資助,涉及的專業及學科範疇極為 廣泛,包括:教育、社會科學、心理與語言學,以及人文與藝術。 25 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 Driving innovation 推動創新 知識轉移