EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

發展STEM 能力 本校繼續為本地教育界承擔促進STEM教育的領導 角色。除備受稱譽的「賽馬會運算思維教育」與「基 石數學」外,本校亦推出多項創新計劃,為STEM科 目提供校本專業支援。其中一項計劃是採用自主學 習策略,推動高小與中學的STEM 教育。計劃迄今已 舉辦了四十八場教師工作坊,逾九百名教師參與,並 協助五所小學和九所中學建立教師在STEM教育方 面的能力。 Developing STEM competencies The University has continued to play a leading role in promoting STEM education in the local school sector. In addition to the highly regarded CoolThink@JC Programme and Cornerstone Maths, the University has launched a variety of initiatives to provide school-based professional support for STEM subjects. One such project employs self-directed learning as a strategy to promote STEM education at the upper primary and secondary levels. To date, 48 teacher workshops have been organised with over 900 teacher participants. The project has also helped build teachers’ capacity in STEM education in five primary schools and nine secondary schools. EdUHK STEM educators contribute their expertise in capacity building projects for STEM teachers 參與 STEM 教師培訓計劃校訪活動的學校代表與教大 STEM 教育工作者 U-STEMist teams contribute to the community. (Left) A project deploys drones to enhance safety on construction sites. (Right) A workshop targeting primary students 左圖為U-STEMist 團隊展示如何利用航拍機提高建築 地盤安全;右圖為U-STEMist 團隊在科學園舉辦小學生 STEM 工作坊 As part of its ongoing efforts to promote STEM education, EdUHK has launched a range of initiatives to enhance the capacity of teachers, bolster the implementation of STEM education, and nurture innovative talent for Hong Kong. 教大致力推動STEM教育,一直透過不同舉措加強教師實力, 令STEM教學持續進步,為香港培育更多創科人才。 22 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019