EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

國際學生與本地非華語學生人數上升,印證教大在 國際化方面的努力。本校獲教資會資助的學士學位 課程,收錄之國際學生人數按年上升百分之四。教大 的地區與國際合作夥伴逾二百個,在二零一八至一 九年度,校園共有一百九十四名來自世界各地的海外 學生。 EdUHK’s internationalisation efforts are also showing results through the increasing number of international students and local non-Chinese students at the University. The number of international students in UGC-funded undergraduate programmes increased four per cent year on year, and in collaboration with over 200 regional and international partners, EdUHK brought 194 exchange students from different parts of the world to the campus in 2018/19. EdUHK’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work aims to support non-Chinese speaking students through any issues they face, academically, emotionally, socially and culturally 教大提倡多元、公平、包容,相關工作旨在支援 校內的非華語學生面對學業、情感、社交、文化 等方面的困難 The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) Men’s Basketball Team was crowned champion of the Jordan Brand Invitational 2019 . Dominating the tournament, they won the final with a strong victory. Since July, 11 universities and colleges have played about 60 matches to vie for the top title. After defeating the defending champion, the EdUHK team advanced to the final against the Vocational Training Council (VTC), and won 88 to 76. In addition to the gold medal, team members Man Chun-ho (third from left) scooped three awards: Final Most Valuable Player (MVP), Best Defensive Player and First Team Player, while Siu Chun-kit (fourth from left) won the Seeded Group MVP and First Team Player awards. 香港教育大學(教大)男子籃球隊 稱霸Jordan Brand Invitational 2019大專邀請賽,勇奪冠軍 。 他們以全勝姿態晉級至總決賽,順利捧盃。自七月開始,十一所大專 院校球隊進行近六十場賽事,教大在四強戰成功淘汰衛冕冠軍,並與 職業訓練局爭冠,最終以88:76擊敗對手。 教大男籃不但摘下桂冠,球隊成員文俊浩(左三)亦獲得季後賽最有 價值球員、最佳防守球員及最佳五人陣容獎,而蕭俊傑(左四)則獲 選種子組最有價值球員及最佳五人陣容獎。 20 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019