EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

擴闊圈子 建立聯繫 二零一八至一九學年,有百分之六十三教大本科生曾 於香港以外地方,有至少一次非本地的體驗學習機 會。教大共舉辦十五個遊學團,目的地包括:澳洲、 內地、尼泊爾、荷蘭、南非及台灣等。二零一八年,教 大的領袖訓練體驗計劃踏進第十二年,加上新開設 的「尋找幸福之旅」,合共提供近四百個海外學習機 會。去年四月,本校更成立環球體驗學習團隊,協助 學生發掘及發展更多海外學習機會,擴闊他們的國 際視野。 Enriching learning 豐富學習 Broadening circles, building connections In 2018/19, 63 per cent of EdUHK undergraduate students enjoyed at least one type of learning experience outside of Hong Kong. EdUHK organised 15 study tours to places such as Australia, mainland China, Nepal, the Netherlands, South Africa and Taiwan. In total, EdUHK offered nearly 400 overseas learning opportunities through programmes such as the Leadership Enhancement And Development scheme, which entered its 12th year in 2018, and the newly established Finding Happiness through Positivity programme. To develop more overseas learning opportunities for students and to nurture students’ international outlook on and beyond the campus, the University set up the Global Experiential Learning Team in April last year. Head of the Department of International Education Professor Mark Mason leads a study tour to South Africa 國際教育學系系主任 Mark Mason教授帶領 南非遊學團 Students learn about positive psychology and enjoy the sights at Seljalandsfoss waterfall, Iceland 同學到訪冰島,學習正向心理學,並在當地遊覽,欣賞冰島塞里雅蘭瀑布景致 19 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 Increasing scholarly strengths 學術實力 不斷提升