EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

研究生課程 國際漢語教學文學碩士課程為教大其中一個旗艦課 程,並已獲國際文憑認可為IB教學證書認可課程。而 教育言語及語言病理學暨學習障礙理學碩士課程, 亦獲香港言語治療師公會全面認可,畢業生均符合 資格,申請成為香港衞生署認可之言語治療師名冊 成員。 二零一八至一九學年,本校推出一項新課程:「教育 博士:語文教育(中文)」。與此同時,STEM教育文 學碩士課程亦開始接受申請,首屆學生會於二零一九 年九月開始上課。本校並與澳洲、法國、德國及日本 的大學協作,共同開展碩士與博士課程。 為切合社會與專業界別的需要,本校推出一系列教 師專業進修課程。課程報名人數,自二零一六至一七 學年開始大幅上升,並持續增長。 Commitment to lifelong learning and teaching 致力追求終身學習與教學 Postgraduate education One of EdUHK’s flagship programmes, the Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language (MATCIL), obtained the International Baccalaureate (IB) Educator Certificate to offer IB-recognised programmes. The Master of Science in Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilities programme has been fully endorsed by the Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists, and graduates of the programme are eligible to apply to be a Member of Register of Speech Therapists accredited by the Department of Health. In 2018/19, the University rolled out a new specialisation in Language Education (Chinese) for the Doctor of Education programme. The Master of Arts in STEM Education programme began accepting applications, with the first cohort of students beginning their studies in September 2019. The University has also created collaborative programmes at the master’s and doctoral levels with universities in Australia, France, Germany and Japan. To meet the changing needs of society and the profession, the University has developed a wide range of Professional Development Programmes (PDPs). Since 2016/17, enrolment in PDPs has risen significantly and continues to rise. Graduates of the Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language (MATCIL) programme 國際漢語教學文學碩士課程 畢業生 Students enjoy a break during their field experience at the University of Worchester in the UK 同學到英國伍斯特大學考察,並享受課餘時光 18 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019