EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Based on the review findings, the University will implement the new BEd and common core curriculum in the 2019/20 academic year, and will align the non-BEd courses accordingly. In line with the University’s multidisciplinary emphasis and to provide diversified learning, EdUHK has developed new courses, such as credit-bearing experiential learning courses, General Education Interdisciplinary Courses, and Breadth Courses. The University will also introduce the Capstone Project in parallel with the existing Honours Project for final-year students and will revamp the existing Co-curricular and service learning course. As part of its commitment to preparing outstanding and morally responsible educators and professionals, in addition to programmes that develop 21st century skills, the University offers support for students in planning their personal development path and setting career goals. In 2018/19, staff reviewed with students their goal achievements midway through their undergraduate programmes. The aim of the University Life Planning Scheme is to guide students to become self-directed learners and decision-makers in a supportive atmosphere through a developmental advising approach. 擇以「總整專案」項目展現所學,不再局限於撰寫畢 業論文。本校並同時修改現有的聯課及服務學習課 程。 為培育優秀而具道德承擔的教育及專業人士,本校 於提供培養廿一世紀技能的課程外,更支持學生規 劃個人發展及訂立事業目標。二零一八至一九學年, 「思‧定‧行」﹙大學生活指導計劃﹚相關教職員已 與三年級學生檢討進度。此計劃旨在引領學生成為 有自主學習能力的決策者,積極支援及輔助其成長。 Professor John Lee Chi-kin, currently Vice President (Academic) and Provost, thanks school partners for placing their confidence in the University and nominating outstanding students for EdUHK places during a reception in February 2019 現任學術及首席副校長李子建教授,在二零一九年二月舉辦的茶聚,感謝對 本校充滿信心的大學夥伴提名優秀學生入讀教大 16