EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Dr Pamela Leung Pui-wan described the University’s Shi-Tu (mentor-mentee) Scheme, which she joined with student Mohsin Khan in 2017/18, as a co-learning experience. 梁佩雲博士形容她與甘莫斯同 學在二零一七至一八學年 一起參與的師徒計劃, 是一個共同學習、共 同成長的體驗。 The opportunity to pursue dreams brought cycling world champions Wong Kam-po and Marco Kwok Ho-ting, and Dr Ada Ma Wai-wing together. 一個追夢機會,連繫單車世界冠軍 黃金寶、郭灝霆及馬慧 頴 博士。 Principal Lillian Lui Lai-hung said her class teacher’s remarks eventually directed the course of her life. 呂麗紅校長表示是中學班主任的 一句話,驅使她投身幼兒教育。 Unveiled on the occasion of the University’s 25th anniversary, the publication is a tribute to teachers everywhere. Through the stories of 25 individuals, the publication highlights the importance of teachers and the irreplaceable role they play. 適逢教大二十五周年校慶,我們製作特刊,獻給所有老 師,冀藉二十五個人物的故事,從中道出老師的重要角色, 無可取替。 12 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2018-2019