EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

Silver Jubilee - Special Moments 銀禧剪影 To mark the University’s silver jubilee, a ceremony was held to launch a commemorative publication and open a time capsule that had been placed on the campus almost a quarter of a century earlier. 為慶祝銀禧校慶,教大 舉行二十五周年紀念 特刊發布儀式,並 開啟已封存於校 園內近四分一個 世紀的時間囊。 05.2019 Founding Council Chairman Dr Simon Ip Sik-on presented a letter he wrote in 1996 to the current Council Chairman Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang. The letter and the other historical items in the time capsule bear testimony to the transformation of the University. 創校校董會主席葉錫安博 士把一九九六年撰寫的 親筆信,交予現任校董 會主席馬時亨教授。 該信與時間囊內多件 歷史物品,見證了教大 在各方面的發展與 變革。 05.2019 10