Page 136 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 136
(Expressed in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise stated)(除另有說明外,所有金額以港幣為單位)
Possible impact of amendments, new standards and interpretations issued but not yet effective for the year ended 30 June 2017 (Continued)
HKFRS 9, Financial instruments
HKFRS 9 will replace the current standard on accounting
for nancial instruments, HKAS 39, Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement. HKFRS 9 introduces new requirements for classi cation and measurement of nancial assets and calculation of impairment of nancial assets. On the other hand, HKFRS 9 incorporates without substantive changes the requirements of HKAS 39 for recognition and derecognition of nancial instruments and the classi cation of nancial liabilities. Expected impacts of the new requirements on the Group’s nancial statements are as follows:
(a) Classi cation and measurement
HKFRS 9 contains three principal classi cation categories for nancial assets: measured at (1) amortised cost, (2) fair value through pro t or loss (FVTPL) and (3) fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI) as follows:
- The classi cation for debt instruments is determined based on the entity’s business model for managing the nancial assets and the contractual cash ow characteristics of the asset.
- For equity securities, the classi cation is FVTPL regardless of the entity’s business model.
The Group is currently assessing the impacts of adopting HKFRS 9 on its nancial statements.
(b) Impairment
The new impairment model in HKFRS 9 replaces the “incurred loss” model in HKAS 39 with an “expected credit loss” model. Under the expected credit loss model, it will no longer be necessary for a loss event to occur before an impairment loss is recognised. Instead, an entity is required to recognise and measure expected credit losses as either 12-month expected credit losses or lifetime expected credit losses, depending on the asset and the facts and circumstances. This new impairment model may result in an earlier recognition of credit losses on the Group’s receivables and other nancial assets. However, a more detailed analysis is required to determine the extent of the impact.
33 已頒布但尚未在截至二零一七年六月三十 日止年度生效的修訂、新準則和詮釋可能 帶來的影響 (續)
香港財務報告準則第9號取代香港會計準則 第39號「金融工具:確認及計量」的現有指 引。香港財務報告準則第9號載有金融資產 分類和計量及計算金融資產減值的經修訂指 引。另一方面,該準則結合香港會計準則第 39號有關確認及取消確認金融工具及金融 負債分類的指引。新規定對本集團財務報表 的預期影響如下:
(甲) 分類與計量
香港財務報告準則第9號包含三個基 本的金融資產分類類別:按(1)攤銷 成本計量,(2)公允價值計入損益和 (3)公允價值計入其他綜合收益的計 量如下:
- 債務工具的分類根據實體管 理金融資產的業務模式和該 資產的合同現金流量特徵確
- 對於權益工具,無論實體的經 營模式如何,分類均為按公允
本集團目前正在評估採用香港財務 報告準則第9號對其財務報表的影響。
(乙) 減值
香港財務報告準則第9號使用“預期 信貸虧損”模式替代了香港會計準則 第39號中的“已發生虧損”模式。在 預期的信貸虧損模式下,在確認減值 虧損之前,不再需要發生虧損事項。 相反,根據資產和事實和情況,實體 需要將12個月預期信貸虧損或整個 存續期預期信貸虧損確認和計量。 這種新的減值模式可能會導致本集 團應收款項和其他金融資產較早確 認信貸虧損。然而,需要更詳細的分 析來確定影響的程度。
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The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017