Page 103 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 103
(Expressed in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise stated)(除另有說明外,所有金額以港幣為單位)
Notes to the Financial Statements
University 教大
4 投資
Group 本集團
2017 2016 $’000 $’000
Note a:
Investments in institutional entities
The University holds 1 share of $500 (2016: 1 share of $500), representing 12.5% of the share capital of Joint Universities Computer Centre Limited, a company providing computer services for the UGC-funded Higher Educational Institutions in Hong Kong.
The University has a 12.5% (2016: 12.5%) interest, without investment cost,
in Joint University Programmes Admissions System (“JUPAS”) which was incorporated on 18 September 1990 as a company limited by guarantee. The purpose of the company is to administer and operate the joint admissions system for and on behalf of each member of the JUPAS.
The University has a 12.5% (2016: 12.5%) interest, without investment cost, in Joint Quality Review Committee Limited (“JQRC”) which was incorporated on 26 August 2005 as a company limited by guarantee. The purpose of the company is to provide and implement a peer review framework for the quality assurance of self- nancing, associate-degree programmes in the continuing education units of the members in the JQRC.
The University has a 12.5% (2016: 12.5%) interest, without investment cost,
in JULAC Joint Universities Research Archive Limited which was incorporated
on 30 September 2011 as a company limited by guarantee. The purpose of
the company is to advance education and research, to establish, maintain and manage a repository of books, serials, periodicals, audiovisuals and other research materials from UGC funded institutions in Hong Kong and to provide library facilities.
The University has a 9.1% (2016: 9.1%) interest, without investment cost, in The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China Limited which was incorporated on 23 March 2016 as a company limited by guarantee. The purpose of the company is to provide a platform for sports games among universities and tertiary institutions, and to enhance sports performance and build up coherence among the institutions and universities.
Investments in subsidiaries
The University has a 100% (2016: 100%) interest, without investment cost, in The EdUHK Schools Limited which was incorporated in Hong Kong on 14 December 1998 as a company limited by guarantee. The purpose of the company is to plan, establish and manage schools.
The University has a 100% (2016: 100%) interest, without investment cost, in The EdUHK School of Continuing and Professional Education Limited (“EdUHK SCPE”) which was incorporated in Hong Kong on 28 June 2006 as a company limited by guarantee. The purpose of the company is to set up, maintain and operate, in conjunction with the University for the promotion and advancement of professional, technical and continuing education, foster and provide courses leading to awards as well as courses of general interest, and where appropriate, provide learning opportunities in or outside Hong Kong. The EdUHK SCPE has assumed the responsibilities and mission of the Division of Continuing Professional Education of the University since 1 July 2006.
The results of these subsidiaries are accounted for in the Group’s consolidated nancial statements.
附註甲: 於從屬機構的投資
教大持有一股面值500元(二零一六年:一股面值500元) 之大學聯合電腦中心有限公司股份,相等於該公司股本之 12.5%。該公司主要提供電腦服務予教資會資助的香港高 等教育院校。
教大亦持有大學聯合收生處(「招生處」)12.5%(二零一六 年:12.5%)權益(沒有投資成本)。此機構於一九九零年九 月十八日註冊成立為一間擔保有限公司,其目的是代表招 生處內每個成員管理和營運聯合收生計劃。
教大持有聯校素質檢討委員會(「委員會」)12.5%(二零一 六年:12.5%)權益(沒有投資成本)。此機構於二零零五年 八月二十六日註冊成立為一間擔保有限公司,其目的是為 委員會內成員的持續進修部門的自負盈虧副學士學位課 程提供和施行同業檢討制度。
教大持有大學聯合典藏學術書庫有限公司12.5%(二零一 六年:12.5%)權益(沒有投資成本)。該公司於二零一一年 九月三十日註冊成立為一間擔保有限公司,其目的是為了 促進教育和研究,為來自獲教資會資助的香港院校的圖 書、期 刊、視 聽 教 材 和 其 他 研 究 資 料 建 立 書 庫,加 以 保 存 和管理,並提供圖書館設施。
教大持有中國香港大專體育協會有限公司9.1%(二零一六 年:9.1%)權益(沒有投資成本)。該公司於二零一六年三月 二十三日註冊成立為一間擔保有限公司,其目的是為大學 和高等教育機構之間提供籌辦體育比賽的平台,並加強 機構和大學之間運動項目的表現和建立協調。
附註乙: 於附屬公司的投資
教大持有香港教育大學附屬學校有限公司之100%(二零 一六年:100%)權益 (沒有投資成本)。此公司於一九九八 年十二月十四日在香港註冊成立為一間擔保有限公司,其 目的為籌劃、建立及管理學校。
教大亦持有香港教育大學持續專業教育學院有限公司(「 持續教育學院」)之100% (二零一六年:100%)權益(沒有 投資成本)。此公司於二零零六年六月二十八日在香港註 冊成立為一間擔保有限公司,其成立目的是與教大共同 管理及經營,促進專業、技術和持續教育,開發和提供頒 發證書以及一般興趣的課程,並(在適當情況下)提供香港 和海外的進修機會。持續教育學院自二零零六年七月一 日起,已接管了教大轄下的持續專業教育學部的責任和使 命。
Note b:
2017 2016 $’000 $’000 千元 千元 千元 千元
Investments in institutional entities (Note a) 於從屬機構的投資(附註甲) 1 1 1 1 Investments in subsidiaries (Note b) 於附屬公司的投資(附註乙) - -
香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 / 101