Page 76 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 76
Financial Position
The University’s net assets had a slight increase of 7.4% to $1,020 million at the end of 2015/16. Cash and deposits had increased to $1,500 million. The University had been reviewing its investment strategy with the aim of deriving better returns at an acceptable risk level in the medium and long term.
With the surplus of $18 million from UGC-funded activities for the year transferred to the General and Development Reserve Fund, the total balance of the fund accumulated to about $420 million.
With great achievements in the past years, the University has become the only UGC-funded institution with a focus on Education. Our strengths and reputation have been recognized locally, regionally and internationally in the school sector and higher education arena and we are striving to rise to greater heights in the future. For strategic development of the University, a central reserve fund has been set
up to support projects initiated by faculties and departments that will have impacts on teaching, learning, and research. A  ve-year capital expenditure plan has been drawn up and budget has been set aside for improvement of the University’s infrastructure in the areas of information technology, equipment and premises, etc., with a view to providing better facilities in supporting the University’s expanding activities.
The University’s  nancial position has become stronger with total accumulated funds of over $1 billion at the end of this  nancial year which increases its capacity for providing funding support to the future development of the University in the coming years.
Ms Susanna CHIU Lai-Kuen, MH
The Council of The Education University of Hong Kong 5 October 2016
截至二零一五至一六年度,本校的資產淨值較去年度稍 微增加百分之七點四,達十億二千萬元,現金及存款則 增加至十五億元。本校不時檢視投資策略,致力在中期 至長期獲得更佳回報,同時能把風險控制於可接受水 平。
年內教資會資助的項目出現一千八百萬元盈餘,已轉入 一般及發展儲備基金,令儲備基金的總結餘累積至四 億二千萬元。
本校經過多年努力,至今取得驕人成績,成為教資會 所資助的大學中,唯一一所以教育學科為本位的高等 學府。我們的優勢和聲譽亦廣受本港、亞太地區以至 國際的學校社群和高等教育界肯定,未來定必竭力再 攀高峰。為實現本校的策略發展,我們設立了中央儲備 基金,以支援各院系開創有利於教學,學術與研究的項 目;同時制訂了五年基建支出計劃,預留款項以改善本 校多項基礎建設如資訊科技、設備和校舍等,為本校的 發展提供更佳設施。
本校的財務狀況比前更形穩健,至本財政年度為止,已 累積了逾十億元的總盈餘,為本校的未來發展提供充裕 的財政支援。
趙麗娟女士,榮譽勳章 香港教育大學校董會 司庫 二零一六年十月五日
The Education University of Hong Kong
Annual Report 2015-2016

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