Page 68 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 68
Professor Joanne CHUNG Wai-yee 鍾慧儀教授
Professor Joanne Chung is the Dean of Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Peter T C Lee Chair Professor of Health Studies of Department of Health and Physical Education of the University. She is a Staff Council Member nominated by the Academic Board and appointed by the Council of the University.
鍾慧儀教授為本校博文及社會科學學院院長、利定昌健康學講座教授,也是由本校教務委員會提名、校董會委任 的校董會成員。
Dr. KWOK Ping-wai 郭炳偉博士
Dr. Kwok Ping Wai is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Science and Environmental Studies
of the University. He is a Staff Council Member elected by eligible staff members of the University.
Ms. Loretta LEUNG Mee-kuen 梁美娟女士
Ms. Loretta Leung is a Senior Student Affairs Of cer of the University. She is a Staff Council Member elected by eligible staff members of the University, and one of the Team Members of the President’s Awards (Outstanding Performance in Administrative Services Category) for 2015-16.
梁美娟女士為本校高級學生事務主任,也是由本校合資格教職員互選之校董會成員,並為二零一五至一六年度傑出行政 服務表現校長獎項的獲獎隊伍成員之一。
Mr. LI Chin-wa 李展華先生
Mr. Li Chin Wa is a Senior Teaching Fellow of the Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning, and Co-Director of Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education of the University. He is a Staff Council Member elected by eligible staff members of the University and the President of Academic Staff Association of the University.
李展華先生為本校國際教育與終身學習學系高級專任導師、宗教教育與心靈教育中心聯席總監,也是由本校合資格教職 員互選之校董會成員及本校教學人員協會會長。
Mr. Alvin CHU Kam-hon 朱鑒漢先生
Mr. Alvin Chu is a full-time student of the Bachelor of Social Science Education (Hon) in Greater China Studies Programme and the Student Council Member nominated by the Students’ Union and appointed by the Council. He is the President of the Provisional Executive Council of Students’ Union of the University.
朱鑒漢先生為社會科學教育榮譽學士(大中華地區研究)課程全日制學生,是由學生會提名、校董會委任的校董會成 員,也為本校學生會臨時行政委員會主席。
The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015-2016

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