
In January 2003, Dr Michael Keppell arrived from Melbourne University to take over as Head of the Centre for Integrating Technology in Education. His chief mission is to integrate technology in an effective way so as to enhance teaching and learning across the Institute. Dr Keppell brings to the post a range of related educational experience, and sees the use of innovative techniques as important in effective education. He is particularly keen to advance the use of online learning and media utilisation.

Professor Jill Bell, formerly Head of the Faculty of Education at York University in Canada, is the new Head of the Department of English. She has a lifelong interest in the relationship between culture and education. Through a distinguished academic career in language teaching and linguistics, she has researched and written extensively in the areas of applied linguistics, adult education and teacher education, second language and literacy learning.

Advisory Professors and Visiting Scholars
Advisory Professors play an important role in enhancing the quality of teaching. During the reporting year, nine Professors from renowned universities in Canada, USA, UK and Australia were attached to various Schools or academic departments. They paid regular visits to the Institute and offered advice and support outside their period of residence. They also played a key role in mentoring staff in research.

Top academics offer a world of experience

For example, Professor John Elliott from the University of East Anglia enlightened staff members with innovative ideas in the field of curriculum development and valuable knowledge in action research. Professor Michael Parsons from Ohio State University introduced the significant role that art education can play in an integrated curriculum. Professor Robert Arnove from Indiana University School of Education served as advisor for an Internal Research Grants project on teacher education policy in Hong Kong, led by staff of the Department of Educational Policy and dministration. Professor Patricia Vertinsky, Faculty of Education, the University of British Columbia worked with the staff in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science and co-authored a paper on Physical Education and gender with a group of HKIEd colleagues.