
Besides improving proficiency in their target language, core studies on the BEd (Language Teaching) consolidate and extend participants' academic subject knowledge, while also enriching their knowledge of key issues in language teaching and learning. Additionally, LPR-related tests are conducted annually and the demonstration of LPR attainment is a graduation requirement.

The second summer block consists of an immersion programme run by universities in China, Australia or New Zealand. This experience gives participants the opportunity to further develop their language skills, while also enhancing their knowledge of the culture of the host country.

Last year also saw the establishment of the Professional Development Course for Primary School Teachers (Educational Innovation), a full-time course lasting five weeks. The course aims to equip teachers better to support educational and curriculum reforms in schools.

Our other popular and long-standing professional development courses continue to attract serving teachers keen to upgrade their skills. We offer courses covering primary, secondary and early childhood education, with specialisms for English, Chinese and Putonghua teachers and panel chairs, curriculum leaders and special education teachers.

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Looking beyond Hong Kong
Increasing globalisation calls for future teachers to develop an awareness of the wider world, and we organise many activities to support this. Study visits overseas and the Mainland provide students with first-hand opportunities to learn about the world and develop a global outlook, as well as helping students improve their language skills.

During the year, the Student Affairs Office organised a total of 111 days of tours, exchanges and internship programmes for over 100 students. Visits to places such as Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Beijing, Inner Mongolia and Shanghai offered students a wealth of insight into different educational and cultural contexts.

Immersion programmes and study visits for students majoring in Language, Art, Music, Physical Education, Mathematics, Science, Design & Technology, Information Technology and Early Childhood Education gave students exposure to teaching and learning in cultural contexts that were novel to them.

Apart from support for language immersion programmes, an earmarked funding of HK$1.279 million has been set aside to support student study visits during the year, with students meeting 50% of the costs.